Current Call for Applications

Deadlines and Dates
  • Deadline for applications: Monday, November 13, 2023
  • Funding decision: presumably in the end of November 2023
  • Kick-off workshop: Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 9:00 – 17:00 (participation is mandatory to claim the funding)
  • Funding period: between January 1 and September 30, 2024
Application Requirements
  • You are a doctoral researcher at KIT and officially accepted by your KIT department ("Fakultät") or you have been accepted as a doctoral researcher at a different university, but your central research location is at KIT.
  • You are a ▶ member of KHYS.
  • You already have an idea who you want to contact. The kick-off workshop can then help you figure out how to realize these plans.
  • The contact you would like to establish has to be a new one for you/your working group. New implies that neither you nor your working group should have had any cooperation with and any kind of contact to the person or working group abroad. There should not have been any exchange of ideas so far, including no exchange concerning your considered stay abroad, between you/your working group and the contact person/working group abroad.
  • The destination needs to be located outside of Germany.
  • Participation at the kick-off workshop is mandatory to claim the funding.

Note that the Networking Grant does not support research stays with existing contacts or conference visits.

If you have a “Minijob” at KIT, i.e. a monthly salary of 520 € or less, simultaneous funding with the Networking Grant is not possible for tax and social insurance reasons. Such employment must be interrupted or increased for all full calendar months of the stay abroad. Alternatively you can take unpaid leave for the full month(s) of your stay.

Application Documents
  • ▶ Application form
  • CV (incl. grades, date of birth and place of birth)
  • Letter of acceptance as a doctoral researcher by your KIT department ("Fakultät") or, as an external doctoral researcher, letter of acceptance as a doctoral researcher at your university
  • Certificate and Transcript of Records (Diploma or Master)
  • Letter of reference by your supervising professor indicating/including a short statement of your qualification and the qualification of the contact person/institution as well as an assessment of the benefit for you and, if applicable, for the KIT working group (1 page max.)
  • Completed XLS table ▶ Key data application (to be handed in separately in Excel format)

Please merge all documents into one PDF file in the order stated above (excluding the Excel table) and send the files to ▶ networkinggrant∂ While our forms are only provided in English, we accept answers and documents in both German and English.

Selection Criteria
  • Compliance with application requirements
  • Fulfillment of required formalities (a complete application, submitted in time, including all required documents, completed and signed)
  • Conclusiveness of the benefit of the proposed contact(s) for the applicant
  • Qualification of the contact person/institution
  • Qualification of the applicant
  • Strategic relevance for KIT


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Networking Grant

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