If you would like to participate in the symposium be it as a speaker or as a guest, please register beforehand. The link below will lead you to the calendar page at the bottom of which is a registration link. Please note that only members of the KHYS are allowed to participate. To join the KHYS-Network, please register here.
Deadline for abstracts for presentations: June 16 , 2017
The deadline for presentations has now ended, but we invite you to register as guest!
There are also still free spaces for poster presentations!
Deadline for abstracts for posters(~ 300 words): August 31 , 2017
Deadline for guests: August 31, 2017
PhD Symposium 2017: Kalender
5th KIT PhD Symposium
Fritz-Erler-Straße 1-3 (Zähringer-Haus)
The KIT PhD Symposium, organized by PhD students and supported by the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS offers young researchers a platform for practicing and improving their presentation and communication skills in English in front of a larger audience. A variety of internal and external experts will give individual feedback about each presentation and poster respectively. Invited speakers will have the possibility to take part in a professional presentation coaching and are getting feedback by NaWik (Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation). Besides this, the best presentation and the best poster will be awarded!
In addition, experts of various scientific backgrounds will be invited. All who don't want to give a talk or to present a poster are invited to have insights into many different topics established at KIT. The symposium represents an excellent opportunity for networking and making new friends. Considerable time slots of the program are dedicated for socializing. Those of you that don’t want to present a paper or poster are also invited to visit the symposium. Note that the KIT PhD symposium will entirely be held in English.
Interested Phd.-students can either give a presentation or can take part in a poster session (see the program for more details). Every speaker will have 10 minutes for his presentation which an additional time of 10 min for feedback from the audience.
If you are interested, please use this form to sign up and send in an abstract (~ 300 words).
Deadline for abstracts for presentations: June, 16, 2017
Deadline for abstracts for posters extended: August 31, 2017
Deadline for guests: August 31, 2017
Those of you who are accepted as speakers have the chance to take part in special presentation coaching with experts from NaWik. You will have the chance to integrate the results into your presentation before the symposium. Besides the feedback from the audience, you will also get a special personal feedback from the NaWik experts after your presentation. Please note that a participation at this workshop is mandatory for presenters (not for the poster session).
We strongly also welcome every interested PhD-student of the KIT to take part in the symposium. Please attend although you might be not interested in presenting a paper/ poster. Everyone can learn from the expert’s feedback. Please sign up for visiting the symposium.
PhD Symposium
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: 0721-608-46209
Mail: phd-symposium ∂does-not-exist.khys kit edu
Young Scientists