PhD student council of the Department of Physics

The PhD student council represents the interests of the PhD students at the KIT faculty of Physics. On our website you will find information and additional links to many PhD related topics. Once a semester we meet officially to discuss about PhD related topics and to pass resolutions, e.g.:

  • Process of doing a doctorate (Promotionsvereinbarung, Promotionsordnung, oral exam procedure, ...)
  • Working conditions (contract of employment, studentship, teaching, ...)
  • Networking of the Ph.D. students
  • more at Projects & Topics

Questions and suggestions are most welcome.
Just contact us via physik-doktoranden-vorstand∂lists kit edu.



We have compiled all the important information for starting and ending a PhD on the following flyer for doctoral students.





New How-To-Start-PhD Flyer

The PhD student council developed a new How-To-Start-PhD flyer to help with getting started with your PhD at KIT. 

New Doktorandenkonvent board

The new board is:

- Lucas Kunz (ITP)

- Marie Louise Schubert (TFP)

- Isabel Haide (ETP)

- Greta Heine (ETP)

- Caroline Fengler (ETP)