Is KIT PhD Symposium dedicated to a specific Topic?
- No, KIT PhD Symposium is an interdisciplinary event and we highly appreciate contributions from all the different scientific fields at KIT.
I will finish my PhD studies in July. / I will start my PhD studies in November. Can I attend the Symposium?
Yes, you are invited to attend the symposium. However, you cannot give a talk as you are not a PhD student.
Can I attend the symposium without presenting?
Of course! We would like to encourage all PhD students to participate in the symposium, whether you would like to present your work or not. You will benefit from presentations by invited speakers and will learn from and support your fellow peers.
Do I have to register, if I just want to watch the talks?
Yes, registration is mandatory for participation. Register!
When will I be notified, if my contribution is accepted?
Notification of acceptance will be sent towards the end of June.
Can I send you an abstract that includes a video / something else fancy?
Yes, you can. Please mention this while registering and send an e-mail to phd-symposium ∂does-not-exist.khys kit edu .
Are there other presentation media that I may use instead/in addition to PowerPoint?
You can also use an overhead projector and a visualizer. Please note that there is no blackboard / whiteboard. Send us an e-mail to receive more specific information.
Do I need to use PowerPoint for my oral presentation?
You may use other software as well, but please be aware of compatibility issues. Saving your presentation as a pdf-file is the safest option.
Do I really have to present in English?
The purpose of KIT PhD Symposium is to give PhD students an opportunity to practice their scientific presentation skills. As most conferences are held in English, it was decided to make English the official language of KIT PhD Symposium. So yes, oral presentations and poster presentations need to be in English.
How much time do I have for my presentation?
Oral presentations are limited to 10 min + 5 min discussion. Poster presentations are limited to two slides (one introduction slide and one slide for content) and your talk can be up to 60 sec.
How will I receive feedback for my presentation/my poster?
Oral presentations: You’ll receive feedback from experts right after the session. Additionally, we’ll send you feedback by e-mail shortly after the symposium.
Poster presentation: We’ll send you the feedback within a few days after the event by E-Mail.
Is there a conference fee?
No! KIT PhD Symposium is free of charge, all expenses are taken care of by KHYS. Refreshments during the breaks and lunch are also included.
Is there a dress code for speakers?
There is no general dress code for speakers. If you are not sure what to wear, have a look at the 2009, 2010 or 2012 symposium pictures to get an impression (you can find them under "past events" on the website).
Do I need to bring material for mounting my poster myself?
No, we will provide you with everything you need. You just have to bring your poster and be there in time.
How do I Register?
Who can I contact if I have problems with the Registration?
When encountering problems with registering, write an e-mail to: phd-symposium∂khys.kit.edu Please describe your problem as precisely as possible and also tell us, which browser you are using.
Do I have to take the day off to attend the symposium?
Normally, attending the symposium is a part of your "soft skill" education. Most supervisors support the attendance of their students, so usually you do not have to take the day off. However, we recommend you to discuss it with your supervisor in advance.