On March 27, 2025, the fourth Virtual Career Day will return with a focus on "Career Perspectives for Postdocs: Big Names & Hidden Champions"! Just like in the years before, the ▶ KHYS Postdoc Office and fellow Helmholtz Career Centers from all over Germany have prepared a wide range of workshops and invited exciting guests to provide you with key insights into several career perspectives.
Get inspired by dynamic panel discussions, and network with former postdocs and industry professionals and meet HR representatives from big names and hidden champions from industry and other sectors like semiconductor, biotech, AI development, energy, R&D, science management, pharma. Take your career prep to the next level by joining a group session with a Helmholtz career counselor on relevant career topics and by diving into a skills workshop tailored to help you make a smooth transition into industry or other professional fields.
In order to register for the main event, please visit this ▶ website. Registration opens February 6, 2025, 9:00am!
Please note: Afternoon workshops require seperate registration. Limited spots available!
08:45 - 09:00 am I Opening
09:00 - 09:30 am I Welcome & Keynote
by ▶ Dr. Katerina Falk (Project Leader, Infineon Technologies)
09:15 - 10:00 am I Main Panel Discussion
with company representatives
10:15 am I Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00 am I Subpanel Session 1
on the individual fields of application with representatives from recruiting and a postdoc from various companies on experiences for a successful start.
Room 1: ASML
Room 2: Accenture
▶ Johannes Niederhut (Strategist in Enterprise Architecture).
▶ Accenture is a global professional services company that helps clients embrace change and create value through innovation and AI.
Room 3: Eckert & Ziegler
▶ Sven-Peter Heyn (Managing Director).
▶ Eckert & Ziegler is a company for molecular imaging and nuclear medicine supplying different radiopharmaceuticals, radiochemicals and equipment for synthesis & radiochromatography of PET/SPECT tracers.
Room 4: d-fine
▶ Elizabeta Sytova (former postdoc) and
▶ Dr. Jan-Niclas Gruse (Senior Consultant).
Imagine the power of more than 1,500 physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists working as part of a European company with over 20 years of service excellence focused on data science, technology and mathematical modelling. That´s
▶ d-fine.
Room 5: LITRONIK Battery Technology
▶ Christian Waurisch (Business Development, Technology Scouting Supply Chain and Customer Care Manager).
▶ LITRONIK is one of the few suppliers of compact, ultra reliable primary batteries for active implants anywhere in the world. Since 1990 the company has developed and manufactured these high-performance energy sources in a variety of performance ranges, and they feature, among other things, very high volumetric energy and power densities, rate optimisation, low self-discharge rates and high operating safety.
Room 6: ROTOP Pharmaka
▶ Thu Hang Lai.
▶ ROTOP Pharmaka is a leading pharmaceutical company with over 20 years of experience that produces cGMP compliant radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapy in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and distributes them in more than 30 countries. Furthermore, ROTOP offers a broad range of CDMO services for cold kits and radioactive pharmaceuticals, such as drug product develompent and GMP manufacturing, API manufacturing as well as packacking and global transport and logistics.
11:20 - 12:00 pm I Subpanel Session 2
with all of the panelists listed above
12:00 pm I Wrap Up
12:15 - 1:00 pm I Ask a Career Counselor
use the last 45 minutes of the event to clarify final remaining questions in open group consultation sessions on the following topics:
Every question is welcome.
2:00 - 5:00 pm I Workshops