Aspirant Grant (Postdoc)

Applications may be handed in anytime as long as funds are available.

Young scientists face the challenge of choosing between various promising options for their career paths once they have finished their doctorates. This is where the Aspirant Grant (Postdoc) comes into play. With the grant, KIT welcomes talented young scientists especially from abroad who would like to pursue an excellent international scientific career. The Aspirant Grant (Postdoc) offers the opportunity for superiors at KIT to invite potential postdocs for a one-month research stay at their institute. The grant supports superiors in winning outstanding postdoctoral researchers for KIT and offers potential candidates for a postdoc at KIT an opportunity to experience an excellent research and work environment at first hand. The focus is on inviting aspirants from abroad, however, it is also possible to invite promising candidates from other German universities.

During the visit, both parties have the chance to get to know each other and to discuss the possibility for the aspirant of doing a postdoc at KIT. Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) covers the travel and accommodation expenses for the aspirant’s stay. The ▶ KHYS Postdoc Office supports the aspirants during their stay and provides information regarding the postdoc phase at KIT. The grant helps the aspirant to make a sound decision regarding his or her next career step. A (post)doctoral researcher of the host institute will serve as a “buddy” to the aspirant and assist him or her with regard to administrative issues or questions concerning the facilities at KIT or living in Karlsruhe. The KIT buddy may use this opportunity to develop his or her own (international) network and intercultural competences.

For more information, please click on the links in the tiles below. Furthermore, PDF files containing all ▶ information for applicants from the website and ▶ answers to the most frequently asked questions are available for download.

Please note: The program is also available for inviting graduates who are interested in doing a doctorate at KIT for a one-month research stay. ▶ Here, you can find information regarding the Aspirant Grant (Doc)


At a glance


Target groups: KIT applicants and aspirants apply jointly.

  • Aspirants = (Post)doctoral researchers from outside KIT (“aspirant”)
  • KIT applicants = professors, heads of institutes at KIT, KIT Associate Fellows, heads of certified KIT junior research groups


Supported activities: One month guest stay of the aspirant at KIT to find out if it is a suitable option for both parties, that he/she will do a postdoc at KIT. 


Scope of funding: The aspirant will receive a refund for the costs of the journey to and from Karlsruhe (economy class tickets for flight/train) as well as the accommodation costs (which should not exceed EUR 1,200) for the stay in Karlsruhe.



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Call for Application

Applications are bundled at the end of every month. Next deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025. 

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Other KHYS Offers

KHYS internationalization & networking programs for postdocs.





Phone: +49 (0)721 608-46201

E-Mail: ▶ aspirant_postdoc∂


Person in charge: ▶ Denisa Kičmerová

This measure is part of the KHYS Postdoc Office and sponsored by