Scientific Writing – Improving your ability to compose a scientific text
weekly, 4 X Friday mornings, 9:30 am to 12:45 pm
Feb. 25, March 11, March 18 and April 1, 2022
The location and modality (online via Zoom or on-site in Building 8.03) will be determined by course participants. You can state your preference when you register.
This workshop focuses on the language you use when writing scientific papers. Our aim is to improve your writing by talking about conventions in the field, producing your own texts and discussing further questions which arise whilst writing.
We start by briefly discussing the content of each section of a paper (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). As a group we will develop guidelines that can be used when writing your own text. Next, we will look at authentic sample texts to talk about conventions of style and possibly grammar. We will pay special attention to language patterns in specific subject areas as these tend to vary.
We will use another set of texts to practice editing. Then, you will be asked to apply your skills and write short texts of your own, e.g. a project summary, a critical review and a results section. You will receive feedback on your writing style and use of language. As questions related to language use, punctuation and grammar arise, we will discuss them.
By the end of the course, you will improve your ability to write about your research and comment on other writers’ research in English. You will sharpen your editing skills and develop a sense for appropriate style in a scientific text.
To decide whether this workshop is suitable for you, please consider the following information:
- - Language requirements: This EFL course is designed for English speakers of other languages, i.e. non-native speakers of English who have a mid to upper range of the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR B2 - C1). We recommend that you take our placement test on ILIAS before starting the course. If your language level is B1, the course might seem rather challenging (and go a bit fast). If your language level is C2, keep in mind that we deal with issues of grammar and syntax that might seem simple to you. (Information on how to access the test can be found below.)
- - Topics not covered in the workshop: This course does not cover certain related aspects of preparing scientific manuscripts, such as the submission, review and publication of a paper. We also do not cover citation styles due to the wide variety of styles and requirements for different fields of science.
- - Membership requirements: To participate in this this course, you must be a member of KHYS. If you are you a doctoral researcher but not a member of KHYS yet, you can register here:
Course materials will be distributed on ILIAS.
Instructions for taking the placement test and a link can be found here:
You need an SCC account to take our placement test. If you do not have an SCC account, please contact the English Department of the Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) under englisch ∂does-not-exist.spz KIT edu
Kostenerstattung bei Nichtteilnahme / Cancellation Policy
Sollte es Ihnen trotz Anmeldung nicht möglich sein an dem Kurs teilzunehmen, sagen Sie Ihre Teilnahme bitte bis spätestens zwei Wochen vor Kursbeginn ab. Bei Nichtteilnahme ohne zwingenden Grund (z.B. Krankschreibung) behält sich das KHYS vor, anteilig die Kurskosten von Ihnen zurückzufordern.
If you register for a course but are not able to attend, please contact the English Department at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the course. KHYS reserves the right to demand partial payment from participants who are absent but do not provide a legitimate excuse (eg. illness).
Angela Althen M.A.Ed.
Angela Althen
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Karl-Friedrich-Str. 17
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel: 0721/608-48051
E-Mail: angela althen ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs