Basics of Leadership and its Gender-Specific Aspects (two-day) [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on September 27 and 28, 2023.
As a young researcher, you often take on leadership tasks for the first time – in your current position or in the course of your next career step. Being new to a leadership role can be challenging in itself while experiences might differ in terms of gender and personality.
This workshop will support you as a young leader to build a good understanding of what it means to establish a successful leadership style. Motivation, flexibility and transparency regarding communication and delegation are key factors to meet the demands of your role as a leader. An awareness of your inner attitude, self-reflection and a conscious development of your role with its various conditions help to create value in a positive and sustainable manner.
Which mindset enables you to fulfill the role as a leader convincingly? What are your expectations of your team members and what are their expectations of you as a leader? Where do you find yourself in terms of “command and control” versus “confidence in the ability of your members to organize themselves” and fulfill their tasks? Alongside these general leadership topics, it will be helpful to discuss if there are specific challenges or chances as a female or male leader and how to deal with them.
We will explore the following contents:
- Basics of Leadership
- Mindful Leadership
- Management by objectives
- 4 roles of effective leadership and their principles
- Agile Leadership
- Skillful Delegation
- Identification of your key traits and values as a leader
- Gender-specific aspects of Leadership
There will be short inputs, group discussions, exercises, exploration of challenging leadership situations and reflection of your personal leadership style.
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on September 27 and 28, 2023.
Please help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program by informing us promptly if you are unable to attend an event. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
For its members, KHYS covers the costs that incur for holding this event.
Carola Pachunke
Training – Coaching - Mindfulness
Nadine Civilotti M.A.
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-46202
Fax: +49 721 608-46222
E-Mail: weiterbildung ∂does-not-exist.khys kit edu