
Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024
9:00 - 12:30 
Applications and Interviews in Academia (including AI-Assistants) (two-day) [ONLINE WORKSHOP]
Online Seminar
Dr. Daniel Mertens, Schiller & Mertens GbR, Scientists Need More

The event will be held in English and run for two days, on December 10 and 11, 2024.
This event helps postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers to prepare for the academic labour market and improve their application and interview skills with modern AI tools.
Even if postdocs have already been working in an academic environment since their studies and can well imagine a further academic career, it is often unclear what is expected in application letters and interviews for academic positions, how the application process works and how applicants can ideally prepare and present themselves. 
Over the course of two half days, postdocs will learn how to identify job options, optimise their application material and prepare for interviews. Special attention will also be paid to how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used effectively in these steps. The workshop therefore also offers practical exercises and live demonstrations of various AI tools.
The aim is to prepare young researchers to present themselves confidently and professionally, especially on the academic labour market.
Participants should bring current job offers and, possibly, application documents to improve them during the event and receive direct feedback. Interview exercises can be carried out and optionally recorded (at the wish of the participants).
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on December 10 and 11, 2024.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024
9:00 - 15:00 
Personal Roadmap for Career Orientation. What Skills Do I Have and Where Do I Want to Go? [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146
Verena Landgrebe, Patrizia Köhler, Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA)

As part of a personal roadmap, you have the opportunity to consciously reflect on your current professional and private situation. You will look at your personal goals and wishes and derive concrete steps for your further career and skills development.
What have I already achieved? What skills particularly characterize me? What are my strengths? What is important to me? How do I visualize a successful future?
The first aim of the event is to take a closer look at the current status quo and generate an understanding of your present situation. Taking stock in this way will help you to take a focused approach to your life and career planning, create a basis for reflection for your longer-term professional and private decisions and work on your individual areas of development in a targeted manner. 
In this way, you can develop goals for your further career planning from a holistic perspective and derive the first specific steps.
Please note that a career assessment cannot provide individual career counselling. KHYS offers the following workshops for further career planning:
Karriereentscheidungen treffen. Kriterien und Methoden für die Auswahl beruflicher Optionen Nach der Promotion. Karriereoptionen und Bewerbungsstrategien Postdoc: Ja oder Nein? How to Shape Your Future. Career Planning for Postdocs  
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2024
Getting Published [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from September 30, 2024 until December 31, 2024.
The course advises young scientists on how to publish the hard-won results of their research and to plan an appropriate publication strategy for their early academic career. The course will begin by exploring why researchers in the sciences should publish their results. It will then guide participants through the processes involved in getting an article or paper published in an academic journal, including:
Reasons for publishing your work and some of the key factors you need to consider when getting started
Navigating the pre-submission stage, from planning your time to preparing supplementary material, information and metadata
The importance of review for quality control and the requirements of the review process
Relevant resources, platforms and social media that can help ensure you publish in an impactful way
Duration of this course: 150 min
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members. 

Conferences, Presenting and Networking. Communicating Your Research with Impact [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from September 30, 2024 until December 31, 2024.
This course will help you to explore how you can communicate your work to a range of audiences using digital tools and innovative communication methods. It will also encourage you to reflect on how you can build networks and connect with your professional community. This course helps you to:   Communicating the importance of your work to a potential funder or industry partner Identify the networks that are meaningful to you Develop strategies that can help you to build your networks and connect with a professional community Explain how digital communication and social media might provide networking opportunities and how to make the most of in-person event Evaluate how innovative approaches can contribute to your research communication strategy  
Throughout the course, in-depth interviews with current doctoral researchers and experienced academics will provide you with tips and advice on various aspects of attending, presenting at and organising seminars, symposia and conferences.
Duration of this course: 120 min
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.

Statistical Methods for Research [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from September 30, 2024 until December 31, 2024.
Statistical Methods for Research is targeted at young scientists who require a foundation course in statistics, specifically in the quantification of variability, providing students with the practical techniques they will need to conduct statistical analysis at postgraduate level and beyond. This course takes a cross-disciplinary approach and is compatible with all major statistics packages such as SPSS, GenStat, Minitab and Stata. It is rich with scenarios, worked examples, practical applications and interactive statistical models.
The course comprises the presentation of concepts, individual computer-based exercises for consolidation and other interactive learning activities. A major component of the course is analysing data through the use of mainstream statistics packages. This will enable students to gain statistical skills commonly used today in evidence-based decision making, driven by data gathered during the research process, such as the use of estimates, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests, and the building of statistical models. The following four areas are included in the course:
• Describing data well: Descriptive statistics
• Making good generalisations: Inferential statistics
• Formulating and testing statistical hypotheses
• Fitting appropriate statistical models and interpreting their output.
The course contains different tracks for the disciplines of Engineering, Natural Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Social Sciences and Business.
Statistical Methods for Research is based on a highly successful course from the University of Reading which has recorded an average improvement of 125% in student’s performances.
Duration of this course: 12,5 h
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.

Basics of Science Communication [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from September 30, 2024 until December 31, 2024.
On many occasions, young scientists communicate about their work, project or institution with the public or the media. This basic course of the National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik) gives participants an overview of communicating with target groups outside of academia and teaches first practical basics. The focus is on topics such as dimensions of science communication, the interaction of communicators and target groups, or dealing with the media.
Learning Goals
Knowledge of the functions of external science communication Reflection of players, their roles and interactions Building and consolidating core competencies  
Dimensions of good science communication Science and the media Players and their roles Basic rules for comprehensibility Trust in science Guidelines and potential pitfalls  
The e-learning course contains videos and animations, texts, audio and screencasts. Participants apply what they have learned in exercises, quizzes, and knowledge tests, and they can also deepen their knowledge through links to internal and external content. The course is provided in English or German, participants can choose the laguage after registration.
Please notice: You can register below, we will then check your registration. The use of this e-learning offer requires an additional registration on the provider's website. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the registration link from us in a separate mail, probably two to three weeks after your registration.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.