Registration for Doctoral Researchers with a Doctoral Examination at KIT

According to § 38, par. 5 of the State Higher Education Act of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz; LHG) all doctoral researchers pursuing their doctorate at a KIT Department need to register with KHYS.

Requirements for Registration with KHYS:
  • You have concluded a doctoral agreement with your supervisor.
  • To use ▶ Docata, the web portal for doctoral researchers at KIT, you need a KIT account (type "" or " Note: please do NOT use your student account (type "").
Formal Steps of Registration:
  1. For registration, a KIT account/user account is required. With the registration name (of the type "ab1234") and the password of your KIT account, you can log in. ▶ Registration for Docata users
  2. Login with KIT account: ▶ Login
  3. Complete the registration form: Enter the data on your doctoral project in the registration form and upload the necessary documents and attachements in Docata. Please make sure that the entries agree with the data given in your documents (e.g. doctoral agreement, proof of studies)! Please note that you have to close all browser windows to log out securely!
  4. Confirmation of registration: You will receive a confirmation of registration in writing (PDF) by KHYS usually within 10 working days. With your registration, you automatically become a member of KHYS. ▶ Information on KHYS membership 

For further information please contact ▶ docata∂