Good Science, Good Leadership, Good Work

At KIT, the topics of good science, good leadership, and good work are of great importance. For this reason, guidelines for the postdoctoral phase have been developed in recent years. Good Research Practice is based on the DFG Code.

As a postdoc at KIT, you have the opportunity to stand up for your interests, for example, in the Convention of KIT Scientific Staff, in the KHYS Steering Committee, and to help shape the promotion of early-career researchers and young scientists at KIT.

The ▶ Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase at KIT serve postdocs and their supervisors to ensure transparency and reliability during a qualification phase that is central to their career. They are guidelines for both parties and outline the general framework conditions during a postdoc phase at KIT. [▶ more]

The KIT Senate has issued by-laws to implement scientific integrity at KIT. For your guidance an english translation can be found in the ▶ Statutes for Safeguarding Good Research Practice. The rules are based on a longtime practice of the precursory institutions of the KIT, the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and the University of Karlsruhe, and on  standards of quality assurance.

Compliance with the rules of good research practice is indispensable for all scientists. The ▶ Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, as persons of trust, advise those who inform them about suspected scientific misconduct by others. On the other hand, those suspected of misconduct can also contact the responsible Ombudsperson.

In addition to their advisory activities, the Ombudsmen regularly give lectures at KIT, for example during the KIT Doctoral Days. Further information can be found in the presentation ▶ How to avoid scientific malpractice (PDF file).

Furthermore, the ▶ Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in Germany (OWID) appointed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; DFG) is available to all scientists for advice and support on questions of good research practice and its violation via scientific dishonesty.

The ▶ Guidelines for Ethical Principles of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) obligate all members and affiliates of KIT to a responsible and deliberate handling of the freedom of arts, science, research, and teaching as stipulated in Article 5 (3) of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. [▶ more]

The Convention is used for KIT-wide information and opinion formation in the group of KIT scientific staff and is the basis for discussion between KIT management and scientific staff. [▶ more]

KHYS is accompanied by a steering committee, in which university lecturers, scientific staff, heads of early-career researcher and young scientist groups, postdocs and doctoral students are represented. The KHYS Steering Committee is chaired by the KIT Vice President for Research. [▶ more]

It is a vital concern to the KIT executive board, the KIT Senate and the staff council to offer a good work environment to those employed at KIT. For that reason, the executive board, senate and staff council have decided on the voluntary agreement ▶Good Work at KIT.

KIT maintains and promotes the realization of equal opportunity for women and men in all areas of research, studies and teaching, innovation, and administration, and understands equal opportunity as a universal guiding principle in all fields of activity. [▶ more]