Graduate Funding from the German States

Call for Applications

Information on the next call for application will follow here in summer 2025.

At KIT, scholarships can be awarded to highly qualified young scientists within the framework of the Graduate Funding from the German States Program ("Landesgraduiertenförderung"). The call for applications is subject to the provision of the corresponding funds by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK).

Legal basis:

  • Law on Graduate Funding from the German States as of 2008/07/23  ▶ PDF-Download (available only in German language)
  • Statute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the Implementation of the Law on Graduate Funding from the German States as of 2022/01/18  ▶ PDF-Download(available only in German language)
  • Privacy policy of the Graduate Funding from the German States (LGF) as of 2022/06/22 ▶ PDF-Download


Tel. +49 (0)721 608-41922
E-Mail: lgf15 does-not-exist.khys kit edu


Person in charge: ▶ Andreas Hahmann

Please check the ▶ FAQ (PDF Download)


Funding at a Glance

A. Independent Scholarships (Standard Funding)

     1. Current Dates & Deadlines
     2. Application Requirements
     3. Funding Amounts and Further Information
     4. Application Procedure (First Application)
     5. After Approval of Funding
     6. Information on Research Stays Abroad
     7. Information on Family Allowances
     8. Application Procedure (Continued Scholarships)
     9. Completion of Funding
     10. FAQ

B. Funding in Structured Doctoral Programs


A. Independent Scholarships (Standard Funding)

1. Current Dates & Deadlines

The call for applications for independent scholarships in the framework of the Graduate Funding from the German States (LGF) usually happens annually.


Information on the next call for application will follow here in summer 2025.


For more information concerning the application for a second or third year of funding please refer to ▶ section 8: "Application Procedure (Continued Scholarships)" for more information.

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2. Application Requirements

If you want to be granted a scholarship for your doctoral research period, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. A university degree
  2. Outstanding qualifications
  3. A scientific research project that is expected to be of significance to the respective field of research
  4. Acceptance as a doctoral researcher by the respective KIT department ("KIT-Faktultät")
    Please note: The procedure for acceptance as a doctoral candidate at your KIT department ("Fakultät") may take several months. Therefore, you should submit your application for acceptance early and consider the meeting dates of the Doctoral Admissions Committee of the department.
  5. Scientific supervision by a KIT professor / associate professor /assistant professor

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3. Funding Amounts and Further Information

  • Basic scholarship: 1,468 euros per month. This amount includes a flat rate for material and travel expenses.
  • Family allowance: 400 euros per month for the first child, 100 euros per month for each additional child.
  • Approval of funding depends on resources assigned by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK).
  • The scholarships are initially granted for twelve months and funding starts on January 1 every year. The start of the funding period cannot be changed.
  • Given a corresponding progress of your doctoral thesis, a follow-up application for a continued scholarship can extend the scholarship for additional twelve months.
  • The maximum duration of funding is three years.
  • Call for application is open to all disciplines.
  • If and when there is an existing employment relationship with KIT, or one is to be concluded, the scholarship holder has to inform the service unit Human Resources (PSE) of the scholarship. An additional employment contract with KIT is only possible if there is no connection in terms of content, location and time with the activities within the framework of the scholarship.

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4. Application Procedure (First Application)


4.1. First Application:

In order to apply for the scholarship in the framework of the Graduate Funding from the German States for the first time, following documents have to be handed in:

  • Check list ▶ Download (PDF file)
  • Scholarship application form completed and signed by the applicant ▶ Download (DOCX file)
  • Short description of your doctoral project including a work plan and a time schedule (maximum of five pages)
  • Declaration form completed and signed by the supervisor (does not replace the expert opinion) ▶ Download (DOCX file)
  • Expert opinion of the supervisor of your research project (professor / junior professor / associate professor). This should include
    • a reliable answer to the question as to how you intend to finance your doctoral research in the case that your doctoral research period exceeds the funding period,
    • an assessment of the applicant's qualifications in comparison to others in the same graduating year/class on a percentage basis.
  • Expert opinion of a second professor / junior professor / associate professor
  • Scans of your degree certificates (certificates from the preliminary and main study periods and/or Bachelor and Master certificates including a transcript of records). For foreign degrees the documents should be handed in in the original language and as a German or English translation.
  • Copy of the official letter of acceptance as a doctoral researcher at the KIT department ("Fakultät")
    Please note: The procedure for acceptance as a doctoral candidate at your KIT department ("Fakultät") may take several months. Therefore, you should submit your application for acceptance early and consider the meeting dates of the Doctoral Admissions Committee of the department.
  • Tabular CV, in particular listing information concerning your course of study up to now
  • If applicable, complete list of scientific publications and conference contributions (including an indication if first author or peer-reviewed)
  • Declaration of implementation of the Law on Graduate Funding from the German States (completed and signed by the applicant) ▶ Download (DOCX file)
  • If you have applied for family allowance: written confirmation from the Residents' Registration Office ("Einwohnermeldeamt") stating that your child lives in your household
  • Table Key Data Application (Excel file as seperate document, not included in PDF file) ▶ Download (XLSX file)

The documents have to be filled in digitally, signed personally and submitted in the exact order as stated above. We kindly ask you to put the documents in one single PDF file (apart from the XLSX file). The full application is to be handed in via e-mail (▶ lgf15∂khys kit edu).

The declaration as well as the expert opinions can be handed in seperately by the supervisors.


4.2 Selection Procedure (First Application) at a Glance



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5. After Approval of Funding

  • Notification of approval of funding
  • To rule out any double funding, you may have to withdraw from already existing grants.
  • Employment contracts may need to be adjusted (see statute § 6 additional income). Upon lapse of the employee status at KIT (employment contract at KIT) the address expires. A ▶ KIT account for the scholarship holders has to be newly requested by the institute.
  • If and when there is an existing employment relationship with KIT, or one is to be concluded, the scholarship holder has to inform the service unit Human Resources (PSE) of the scholarship. An additional employment contract with KIT is only possible if there is no connection in terms of content, location and time with the activities within the framework of the scholarship.
  • Scholarship holders are responsible for their own health insurance.
  • The monthly payments are transferred at the beginning of each month to the account you stated in your application form.
  • The beginning of funding on Janury, 1 every year cannot be changed.

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6. Information on Research Stays Abroad

Scholarship holders are generally permitted to spend research time outside of Germany during the Graduate Funding from the German States (LGF) scholarship period. On our website you can find a list of ▶ funding institutions that can financially support your research stay abroad.

Important indications:

  • Financial aid from the LGF may be suspended for a maximum of one year if a scholarship holder is spending a research period abroad and has applied for the suspension.
  • During the requested suspension period, the scholarship holder may receive a different full scholarship.
  • During the LGF funding period the scholarship holder may apply for partial fundings and scholarships for a research stay abroad, for example the DAAD Additional Scholarship (▶ GraFöG Aufstockungsstipendium).

You can apply for the following grants, among others:

Support of a stay abroad through KHYS (▶ Research Travel Grant)

  • Support for travel and subsistence expenses for a three to six-month research stay at a university or a company abroad
  • The KHYS Research Travel Grant is not available for participation in congresses and conferences.

Requirements (i.a.)

  • KHYS membership
  • Interruption of the Graduate Funding from the German States for the duration of the stay
  • Employment at an institute of KIT / work group (must be at least equivalent to a part time E13-position)
  • Research stay abroad must be an extension of the doctoral project, not an original part

Additional scholarship for a stay abroad by the DAAD (▶ GraFöG Aufstockungsstipendium):

  • Target group: graduates who are funded with a scholarship according to the law on graduate funding from the German States and who require a stay abroad to carry out their docotral research project.
  • Durantion of funding: Minimum of 30 days, up to 12 months

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7. Information on Family Allowances

Within the scope of the funding a family allowance can be applied for (see Satzung des KIT zur Durchführung des LGFG, § 2 Fördersätze (available in German only)).
Funding rate: family allowance of 400 euros per month for the first child, 100 euros per month for each additional child

Application for family allowance together with your first application and application for a continued scholarship
For more information, see page 2 (first application) or page 2 (application for a continued scholarship)

Application for family allowance during the funding period
All scholarship holders who are already receiving funding can apply for family allowance using this form: ▶ Download (DOCX file)

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8. Application Procedure (Continued Scholarships)

The application deadline for continued scholarships for a second or third year (start of the scholarship at the beginning of the year) will be announced here in summer 2025.

Exception: should the funding have begun later (successor) or have been interrupted, please submit the application for a continued scholarship at the latest six weeks before the end of funding.


8.1. Application for Continued Scholarship

The following documents have to be filled in digitally and submitted in the exact order as stated below. We kindly ask you to put the documents in one single PDF file. The full application is to be handed in on time via e-mail (▶ lgf15∂khys kit edu).

  • Application form for a continued scholarship originally signed by the applicant ▶ Download (DOCX file).
  • Work report including the work and time schedule of the research completed so far and a work and time schedule for the work concerning issues that still have to be solved, which is a maximum of five pages long.
  • Expert opinion from the supervisor of the doctoral research project (professor / junior professor / associate professor) originally signed by the supervisor.
  • Declaration of implementation of the Law on Graduate Funding from the German States ▶ Download (DOCX file).
  • If a family allowance has been applied for: written confirmation from the Residents' Registration Office ("Einwohnermeldeamt") stating that your child lives in your household. This applies only if this confirmation was not included with the first application or the details have changed.


8.2. Application Procedure (Application for Continued Scholarships)

The LGF central awarding committee will decide in its meeting on the applications for the continuation of scholarships in mid-November of each year. We will inform you in writing about the result of your application. In the meantime please refrain from inquiries.


8.3 Selection Procedure (Application for Continued Scholarships) at a Glance



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9. Completion of Funding

  1. At the latest six months after the end of funding you have to submit in digital form at KHYS via e-mail (▶ lgf15∂khys kit edu) in accordance with § 9 LGFG:
    • either an official confirmation of your KIT-department, that you have submitted your dissertation
    • or a final report (1-2 pages)

      Concerning the final report, the following aspects have to be considered:
      • objectives and impact of the research work
      • progress of work up to now
      • steps and time required to complete the work
      • information about published papers during the funding
      • basic formal requirements (date, name, signature on the reports) 
  2. After completion of your doctoral project you have to submit a copy of your doctoral diploma and certificate. The copies do not have to be certified in this case.

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10. FAQ

You can find the answers to our frequently asked questions on our FAQ List ▶ Download (PDF file)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ▶ contact us at any time.

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B. Funding in Structured Doctoral Programs

The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts provides additional funds in order to support joint doctoral programs ("Kooperative Promotionskollegs"). During the course, doctoral candidates from different types of institutions work alongside in a structured doctoral program.

For each doctoral program, the federal state provides funds for up to ten scholarships for doctoral candidates. For detailed modalities about funding and application, please refer to the website of the program you are interested in.

The following joint doctoral programs ("Kooperative Promotionskollegs") currently receive funding:

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