Roles in Quality Management
PhD quality management is an overall task of KIT that is supported by many actors at the central and decentralized levels. It is in the sphere of responsibility of the Vice President for Research who chairs the central committee (KHYS Steering Committee) that is in charge of KIT’s PhD quality assurance. The Vice President for Research also conducts the quality dialogue with the KIT Departments.
The task of KHYS is to coordinate and advise within the framework of the central quality management system and to conduct all internal PhD evaluations. For KIT’s internal PhD quality dialogue, KHYS supports the Executive Board, the KHYS Steering Committee, the KIT Departments, and the decentralized "PhD Quality Assurance" commissions with information and results from the evaluations.
A detailed description of the roles as well as the tasks, interrelations, and essential processes of PhD quality assurance at KIT can be found in the ▶ Qualitätsmanagement-Handbuch (quality management manual, in German only).