PhD Quality Assurance

Systematic PhD quality assurance has a long tradition at KIT. Since 2010, KHYS, for example, has been conducting surveys among KIT’s doctoral researchers to assess the quality of supervision and derive quality-improving measures from the results obtained.    

In order to intensify PhD quality assurance, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg has announced a competition of ideas on PhD quality assurance and quality development. In 2015, KIT has won first prize with its "QualityDoc@KIT" quality assurance concept.

▶ Press Release of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts (in German only)

Based on the "QualityDoc@KIT" quality assurance concept, KIT has adopted a PhD Quality Management System (cf. Article 5, Section 1 of the State Law on Education LHG).

▶ Quality objectives and PDCA cycle
▶ Roles in quality management
▶ Quality management manual
▶ Evaluations