Objectives and Tasks

The main objective of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is to improve the quality of the promotion and support available to junior researchers. In order to achieve this, Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) was established as a multi-disciplinary institution complementing the specialist qualification offered by the institutes and departments.

KHYS supports and promotes all KIT junior researchers with their various activities in the domains of research, teaching and management. We offer a wide range of ▶ services through which we not only contribute towards an open scientific exchange of ideas and knowledge but also towards international and interdisciplinary networking.

Our Objectives:

  • To support and promote KIT junior researchers
    • by fostering their independence and use of their own initiative
    • by providing them with networking opportunities within the scientific community
    • by promoting their interdisciplinary skills and abilities
    • by helping their career development 
  • To build an international network of junior researchers and working groups 
  • To establish an interdepartmental network 
  • To assure the quality of doctoral studies at KIT 
  • To enhance the attractiveness of KIT as research facility for junior researchers