FIT-Course Offerings

Here you will find an overview of all topics covered by the KHYS Further Education Program "Fit for your next career step" and the right courses for you.

Which offer for whom?

The overall program of FIT-courses is aimed equally at doctoral researchers and postdocs. Focus topics for the target group doctoral researchers (D) or postdocs (P) are marked accordingly. An overview of particularly relevant courses for the respective qualification phase can be found on the pages ▶ KHYS Further Education Program for Doctoral Researchers and  ▶ KHYS Further Education Program for Postdocs.

Which courses for which career path?

Within the thematic overview below, the module symbols "FIT for Science", "FIT for Industry", "FIT for Founding" and "FIT Basics" in the right column of the table mark which courses in particular prepare for which career path.

KHYS uses the expertise of established external trainers as well as KIT institutions for its broad spectrum of quality-assured further education courses.

Please note: In the ▶ Event Calendar, icons with colored borders provide orientation as to which subject area the respective course belongs to (e.g. pink border = subject area Career). You can also see the icons at the bottom of this page under the corresponding subject areas.

The further education courses are partly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments as well as by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association.

Find out about dates or detailed course contents and sign up for offers.

Event Calendar & Registration

Get the print version: KHYS' annual course program at a glance.

Download Annual Course Program

Everything you need to know about registration and participation can be found here.

FAQ Registration and Participation


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Your contact persons are:

 ▶ Viola Schroff for organisational questions

 ▶ Nadine Civilotti und ▶ Dr. Claire Earnshaw for content-related matters


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