Start of Your Doctorate at KIT

You have decided in favor of a doctorate at KIT? Then you can start now!

Here, we have compiled important information for your way towards your doctorate. Apart from the required formal steps, you will also find information on how to organize your doctoral phase and visa application.

Having answered the most important questions, you can now take the first ▶ formal steps, such as the conclusion of a Doctoral Agreement and registration as doctoral researcher with Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS).

You have come from abroad to do your doctorate at KIT? If you have questions regarding aliens’ and residence legislation and related issues (visa, health insurance, opening of a bank account, accompanying spouses and children, etc.), you can get help from the colleagues of ▶ International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO). In order to request welcome services please register via the ▶ Mobility Online portal. For any questions regarding the registration in the portal, please contact the colleagues at IScO via  ▶ e-mail.

Further information on KIT internal and external can be found on this ▶ website under "Equal Opportunities & Diversity".

You are responsible for organizing your doctoral phase. Use the doctoral phase to prepare for your further career in the best possible way, may it be in industry or in academia. Use the offerings for ▶ qualification and career development and  internationalization and networking.

Obtain a regular feedback on the current state, quality, and schedule of your doctoral project. This can be done mainly by meetings with supervisors, but also in your working group, during colloquia, or in personal contact with other scientists or doctoral researchers.

The doctoral phase is associated with quite a few challenges. Use the ▶ advice offers of KHYS and other offices at KIT for your support at an early stage.

Every KIT department has a ▶ Convention of Doctoral Researchers and supports the latter. The KIT department ensures that doctoral researchers can have their say in committees (e.g. KIT Department Council).

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Guidelines for the Doctorate at KIT
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Welcome Event for Doctoral Researchers
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Advice & Information