Awards for Doctoral Dissertations

With their research, junior scientists contribute significantly to the success of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Their work thereby reflects the wide range of research opportunities available at KIT.

KIT acknowledges outstanding doctoral researchers with the ▶ KIT Doctoral Award. With the award, KIT demonstrates its commitment to young scientists who are role models for others.

Here you can find more prizes and awards with which your achievements and your commitment are honored and rewarded. Please pay attention to the relevant deadline!



academics academics-Preis für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler des Jahres (academics Prize for Young Scientists of the Year)

Target group:
young researchers up to the age of 35

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Only suggestions are accepted. Applications must be submitted in writing in German and/or English.

Amount of funding:
EUR 5,000
The prize is not awarded for a specific purpose.

Current deadline is not known yet.

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Bernd Rendel Prize of the DFG for young geoscientists

Target group:
Early career geoscientists who have graduated, but do not yet hold a doctorate

Area of studies:
Geology, mineralogy, geophysics, marine geosciences, geodesy

Terms of application:
Criteria for the award are quality and originality of submitted research (theses, ongoing dissertations or others), special attention is paid to the research approach and the scientific potential of the candidates. Self-nominations and suggestions from other sources are possible. Please send your application to the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Prize money:
Currently EUR 2,000

The prize is usually awarded annually. Deadline for applications is mid-February.

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Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME) (German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME)) – Wissenschaftspreis (Research Award)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Material sciences, purchasing, supply chain management, logistics

Terms of application:
Habilitation and dissertation theses must at the time of filing the application have passed successfully though the university's grading process. Work may already be published.

Prize money:
Habilitation theses and other outstanding scientific works: EUR 5,000, dissertation theses: EUR 3,500

October 1

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Daimler und Benz Stiftung – Bertha-Benz-Preis (Daimler and Benz Foundation – Bertha-Benz-Prize)

Target group:
Female doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Engineering sciences

Terms of application:
Every year, the Daimler and Benz Foundation awards the Bertha-Benz-Prize to a young female engineer who has completed an outstanding doctorate in Germany. The doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) is to be awarded with "magna cum laude" or "summa cum laude" and should not be more than one year old (the date of the doctoral degree certificate applies).

Self-nominations to the foundation are not possible. Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) collects the submissions centrally at KIT. Your contact person at KHYS is ▶ Nadja Mazko.

Prize money:
EUR 15,000

The application deadline for the current call has already passed. The next call for applications will be issued in winter 2026.

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DECHEMA e.V. – Doktoranden-Preis für Naturstoff-Forschung (Doctoral Award for Natural Products Research)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Natural substances (structures, biosynthesis, chemical synthesis and reactions, new methods)

Terms of application:
Dissertation must be completed and have been rated at least "magna cum laude". Degree shall date back no longer than twelve months. Self-nomination and proposal are possible.

Prize money:
EUR 1000

November 30, 2025

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie (German Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology) – Doctoral Prize

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Medicine, pharmacy or biology


Terms of application:
The applicant may on the day of the deadline not have reached the age of 30. If several authors are involved, it must be clearly identified by the authorship in the abstract, who has applied for the award. Applications must contain an assurance that all the co-authors of the works submitted agree with the application for the doctoral prize.


Prize money:
EUR 3,000


July 31, every year

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Deutsche Immobilien Akademie (DIA) (German Real Estate Academy (DIA)) – Forschungspreis für Immobilienwirtschaft – International (Research Prize for the Real Estate Industry – International)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Real estate industry


Terms of application:
The submitted projects should in regard to content relate to a macro- or microeconomic topic of the real estate industry. Those interested can contact the KIT Research Office.


Prize money:
Dissertation, habilitation theses and other outstanding scientific works: EUR 2,500
Diploma and magister theses: EUR 1,000


July 31, 2024. Current deadline is not known yet.

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Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft  Dissertation Prize of the Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)

Target Group:
Postdocs, dissertation award


Area of Studies:
Atomic Physics, Short Time-scale Physics and Applied Laser Physics, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Physics, Quantum Information, Quantum Optics and Photonics.


Terms of Application:
Entitled to nomination are Doctoral advisors from Germany and abroad who are DPG members


Prize Money:
All 5 finalists receive a travel grant of EUR 500 to the spring conference, the prize money for the winner is EUR 1,500


Current deadline is not known yet.


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Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft  Dissertation Prize of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM)

Target Group:
Postdocs, dissertation award


Area of Studies:
Biological Physics, Chemical Physics and Polymer Physics, Thin Films, Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Crystalline Solids and their Microstructure, Magnetism, Metal and Material Physics,Surface Physics, Physics of Socio-economic Systems, Low Temperatures, Vacuum Science and Technology


Terms of Application:
Entitled to nomination are Doctoral advisors from Germany and abroad who are DPG members


Prize Money:
All 5 finalists receive a travel grant of EUR 500 to the spring conference, the prize money for the winner is EUR 1,500


Current deadline is not known yet.


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Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft  Dissertation Prize of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK)

Target Group:
Postdocs, dissertation award


Area of Studies:
Extraterrestrial Physics, Gravitation and Relativity, Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Radiation and Medical Physics, Particle Physics, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.


Terms of Application:
Entitled to nomination are Doctoral advisors from Germany and abroad who are DPG members


Prize Money:
All 5 finalists receive a travel grant of EUR 500 to the spring conference, the prize money for the winner is EUR 1,500


Current deadline is not known yet.


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Dr. Bertold Moos Stiftung (Dr. Bertold Moos Foundation) Dr. Bertold Moos Wissenschaftspreis (Dr. Bertold Moos Science Prize)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Linguistics, didactics, philosophy / ethics, historical sciences


Terms of application:
Funding is provided particularly for outstanding research achievements in these fields: dissertations, research projects in basic research or applied research and projects in teaching with scientific standards. As selection criteria will be used in particular: innovation potential, scientific and social relevance, potential use of the project.


Prize money:
EUR 10,000


January 19, 2025


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Dr. Wilhelmy-Stiftung (Dr. Wilhelmy Foundation) Dr. Wilhelmy VDE-Preis (Dr. Wilhelmy VDE Prize)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Electrical engineering, information technology


Terms of application:
In addition to being "cum laude" the dissertation must have a high relevance for the science or business location Germany. The prize is awarded exclusively to electrical engineers who have not exceeded the age of 35 when submitting their dissertation. Only proposals from the German-speaking countries will be considered.


Prize money:
EUR 3,000, up to three prizes a year


April 30, 2025


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Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University) – German Simulation and Gaming Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award, postdocs


Area of studies:
Teaching and learning methods regarding "simulation and gaming"


Terms of application:
Papers are eligible, which were submitted at a European university since January 01 of 2018. Self-nominations and proposals by third parties are possible.


Prize money:
Prizes of EUR 1,000, EUR 750 and EUR 500


Applications possible anytime.

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EWB Florence Tattarillo International Thesis Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Every faculty


Terms of application:
The objective of the Award is to stimulate the interest of students and international academia community in sustainability topics in the “South of the World”, namely the realities where a group of individuals have no access to resources for their own realization within the social context of belonging.


2x EUR 1,000


February 28, every year

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Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Statistische Bundesamt) – Gerhard Fürst Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Topics with reference to official statistics


Terms of application:
The award recognizes outstanding papers on theoretical topics with a close connection to the remit of official statistics or empirical publications which make intensive use of data of official statistics. These can be theses from field of theoretical statistics or from social and economic statistics as well as treatises in economics or social science.


Prize money:
Prize for dissertation EUR 5,000


September 30, every year

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Foundation Fiat Panis – Hermann Eiselen-Science Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers who graduated from a European university, younger than 40 years


Area of studies:
Young professionals who deal with improving the food situation in developing countries


Prize money:
EUR 30,000


Current deadline is not known yet.

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Fraunhofer IOF Applied Photonics Award

Target group:
Graduates or doctoral researchers with a thesis in the field of applied photonics (bachelor, master or dissertation)


Area of studies:
Various disciplines, ranging from mathematics or chemistry to applied optics and physics, as well as materials science or life sciences


Prize money:
Best Bachelor thesis EUR 1,000, best Master thesis EUR 2,000, best dissertation EUR 3,000


From April 1 to June 30, each year


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Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (Wolf-Erich-Kellner-Gedächtnisstiftung) – WEK Prize

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award


Area of studies:
Works from the humanities, social sciences, law and economics on "basics, history and politics of liberalism in German, European and non-European areas"


Terms of application:
By self-nomination written works may be submitted with min. 100 pages in German, English or French, which have not been published until the end of the call for proposals.


May 31, every year

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Freudenberg-Gruppe Freudenberg Award Mobility

(until 2019 Carl Freudenberg Award).

Target group:
KIT graduates or doctoral students with final theses (dissertations as well as master's and diploma theses).

Area of studies:
Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering

Terms of application:
The selection process is coordinated at the Institute of Product Engineering. The potential award winners do not apply themselves, but are proposed by their professors. Each nominating professor is automatically a reviewer for the other institutions. The award winners are determined on the basis of the expert opinions. The award ceremony takes place every two years during the Carl Benz Memorial Lecture and is organized by the ▶ KIT Mobility Systems Center.

10,000 euros (in total for the first three places).

The prize is awarded every two years. The call for applications is usually sent out at the beginning of July.

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Freudenberg-Gruppe Karl-Freudenberg-Preis

Target group:
Young scientists

Area of studies:
Natural sciences, especially chemistry and biology

Terms of application:
Researchers should not be older than 35 years and the proposed work should have been published or submitted for publication within the last two years. Self-application is not possible. All university teachers and heads of institutes in Baden-Württemberg as well as all members of the Mathematical and Natural Sciences Class of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities are eligible to submit proposals.

10,000 euros

September 30, every year

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Friedrich-und-Elisabeth-Boysen-Stiftung (Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Foundation) – Dissertation Prize

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
The prize is awarded for an outstanding dissertation in the field of environmental technology with special consideration of engineering solutions for the reduction of pollutants and noise and optimization of energy consumption.


Terms of Application:
Only university lecturers of KIT may submit suggestions. A self-application is not possible. The suggestions are to be submitted only in digital form to Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS). Your contact person is Nadja Mazko.

EUR 5,000

May 16, 2025

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Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik – GWMT Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Topics from the fields of the history of science, medicine, or technology.


Terms of Application:
Submitted works should make an innovative contribution to the field (e.g., in terms of research question, source material, or methodological approach). This applies equally to theoretical, methodological, or empirical studies.

EUR 1,250. Travel expenses for the award ceremony will be reimbursed up to the cost of a second-class train ticket plus accommodation costs.

The application period for this year has ended.


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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (German Informatics Society (GI)) – GI Dissertationspreis (GI Dissertation Award)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Computer sciences

Terms of application:
University nominates dissertation, contact at KIT: ▶ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schäfer. Dissertations are eligible for which the day of the oral examination lies in the period from January 1, until December 31 of the previous year. A repeated application for the same thesis is not permissible.

Prize money:
EUR 5,000

The application period for this year has ended.

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Gips-Schüle-Stiftung (Gips Schüle Foundation) – Gips-Schüle-Nachwuchspreis (Gips Schüle Newcomer Award)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Mathematics, computer science, science and technology

Terms of application:
Young postdocs in STEM fields who submitted their work at a university in Baden-Württemberg between July 2022 and today and were no older than 35 at the time of submission are eligible to participate.

Prize money:
1. prize: EUR 10,000
2. prize: EUR 5,000
3. prize: EUR 2,500

The application period for this year has ended.


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Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres – Helmholtz Doctoral Award

Target group:
Doctoral researchers at a Helmholtz Center

Area of studies:
The Helmholtz Association will award the doctoral prize in two different tracks in each research field: outstanding knowledge-driven research (track A) and outstanding application-oriented research (track B). The respective original strength of a doctoral thesis can be emphasized in the nomination by choosing the appropriate track.

KIT can nominate excellent young researchers in the following four research fields: Earth and Environment, Energy, Information and Matter.

Terms of application:
Young scientists who distinguish themselves by scientific excellence during their doctoral studies as well as by personal commitment and who have a connection to the Helmholtz mission in their research are eligible for nomination. Doctoral researchers are not allowed to apply themselves.

KHYS is coordinating the nomination process for KIT. Your contact person at KHYS is ▶ Nadja Mazko.

Amount of funding:
One-time cash prize in the amount of EUR 5,000 plus accordingly to the track selected the opportunity to spend up to six months abroad at an international research institution (track A) or a funding for a Helmholtz Field Study Fellowship of up to three months (track B).

The next call for applications is expected in late summer/fall 2025.

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H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung (H. Wilhelm Schaumann Foundation) – Dissertationspreis (Dissertation Award)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers at German-language universities and universities of applied sciences

Area of studies:
Animal and agricultural sciences

Terms of application:
For scientific achievements: proposal by deans of faculties; for theses: proposal by the directors of the institutes of animal nutrition after written demand

Prize money:
EUR 1,000

Applications may be submitted at any time.

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Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ifa Research Award on Foreign Cultural Policy

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
Topics at the interface between culture and foreign policy

Terms of application:
The proposed thesis must have been accepted and graded as a dissertation in an EU country between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year. Dissertations published during this period are also accepted. The place of publication may be outside the EU, provided that the dissertation has been accepted and graded in an EU country. The thesis must be in German or English. It is desirable that the topic of the dissertation is relevant to foreign cultural policy practice.

Prize money:
EUR 3,000

March 31, every year

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James Dyson Foundation – James Dyson Award

Target group:
Graduates who have graduated no more than four years ago

Area of studies:
Product design, industrial design, engineering

Terms of application:
Candidates may submit footage, photos and drawings of their ideas and a project description via online upload on the website of the James Dyson Award. The competition entries go through several application stages.

Prize money:
National and international winner, second place: EUR 6,000

Sustainability and international winner, first place: EUR 36,000

From May 12 to July 16

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Joachim Herz-Stiftung (Joachim Herz Foundation) Deutscher Wirtschaftspreis (German Economics Award)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Interdisciplinary perspectives on economics and business administration

Terms of application:
The prize honors scientists who broaden the perspectives of economics and business administration with interdisciplinary approaches and methods and develop new approaches to solutions. The awards go to scientists working at a research institution in Germany. The prize is awarded in a variety of research areas. In 2018, scientists in health economic research were honored. In 2018, the prize will be awarded for outstanding labor economics research.

Best research work by an established scientist, endowed with EUR 150,000. Best contributions from young scientists, endowed with EUR 25,000 (1st place), EUR 15,000 (2nd place) and EUR 10,000 (3rd place)

March 31, 2025


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KIT Stiftung (KIT Foundation) – ARCADIS award for Earth and Environmental Research

Target group:
Doctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Earth and Environmental Research

Terms of application:
Awards are given for outstanding master's theses and doctoral dissertations prepared at KIT institutes with a focus on geosciences and environmental sciences.

Prize money:
EUR 1,000

The application period for this year has ended.


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Körber Stiftung (Körber Foundation) – German Thesis Award (Deutscher Studienpreis)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Dissertation "magna" or "summa cum laude" in German or English language, which was completed the year before the deadline date and is of particular importance for society.

Prize money:
Three top prizes of EUR 25,000 each, six second prizes of EUR 10,000

March 1, every year

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Otto Haxel Award for Physics

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award, postdocs.


Area of studies:
Physics incl. Geophysics and Meteorology


Terms of application:
The Otto Haxel Award for Physics has been awarded since 2017 in cooperation with the German Physical Society for the three best dissertations in physics at the Universities of Göttingen and Heidelberg and at KIT, the three places where Otto Haxel worked.


Prize money:
3 prizes per year: 1 x EUR 6,000; 1 x EUR 4,000; and 1 x EUR 2,000.


Nominations are made by the KIT Faculty of Physics.


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Roman Herzog Forschungspreis (Roman Herzog Research Award) – Social Market Economy (Soziale Marktwirtschaft)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers

Area of studies:
All dealing with the theme of "Social Market Economy".
Interdisciplinary contributions are most welcome.

Terms of application:
The Roman Herzog Research Award recognizes three outstanding dissertations or habilitations, which provide essential scientific approaches to the further development of the successful model "social market economy". The submitted research should include a sound analysis of the current relevant regulatory issues. At the time of application, applicants should be no older than 40 years and the research no older than three years. Self-nominations as well as proposals by the faculties and institutes are possible.

Prize money:
EUR 20,000, EUR 10,000 and EUR 5,000 Euro

Current deadline is not known yet.

For further information, please visit the website of the KIT Research Office (FOR).

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Schaeffler FAG Stiftung (Schaeffler FAG Foundation) – Innovation Award

Target group:
Scientists, participation of individuals or groups possible, also scientific institutes, companies or similar institutions

Area of studies:
Scientific-technical field related to bearings technology

Terms of application:
Doctoral theses in German or English which were completed no earlier than 3 years before the application deadline may be submitted.

Prize money:
EUR 20,000 in total

July 31, every year

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Soroptimist Club Karlsruhe – Erna-Scheffler-Förderpreis (Erna Scheffler Award)

Target group:
Female doctoral researchers of KIT

To be submitted are:

  • a cover letter

  • a curriculum vitae of the candidate with a list of publications

  • certificates (including graduation diploma)

  • a printed copy of the dissertation or diploma or master's thesis

  • a brief justification of the proposal as well as the referees' opinions

Proposals should be sent to the Equal Opportunity Business Office. Contact is ▶ Sarah Wenz.

Prize money:
The prize is endowed with EUR 5,000: EUR 4,000 for a doctoral thesis and EUR 1,000 for a diploma or master’s thesis.

The prize is awarded every two years. The last award ceremony took place in October 2023. The press release ▶ Erna Scheffler Award for young female researchers at KIT is available in German only. We will inform you here as soon as we know the new application period.

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Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft und Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (Donors' association for the promotion of humanities and sciences in Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg Foundation) Fellowships für Innovationen in der Hochschullehre/ Junior-Fellowships (Fellowships for Innovations in Higher Education/ Junior Fellowships)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Teaching at university level

Terms of application:
The fellowships are individual, personalized support that gives the fellows the freedom and resources they need to carry out their development projects. In a tandem fellowship, two people share the funding.

Prize money:
EUR 5,000

April 15, 2025

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Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Foundation of German Industry) – Klaus Murmann Fellowship Programme

Target group:
Doctoral researchers who are volunteers

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Funding is available for German and foreign junior researchers who have completed a university degree and are admitted to a doctorate at a state or state-recognized university in Germany, Switzerland or another EU country. However, a complete doctorate abroad can only be funded if you can assure active, regular participation in one of the domestic or foreign scholarship holder groups. You have social commitment and social competence.

Prize money:
Up to three years, EUR 1,550 plus EUR 100 research grant and up to EUR 155 family grant.

From April 7 to May 7

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Stiftung Industrieforschung (Foundation Industrial Research) – Prize for scientific studies

Target group:
Doctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Technical / business administration fields

Terms of application:
Self-nomination or proposal by a cooperating company possible, development in close cooperation with one or more medium-sized companies

Prize money:
EUR 15,000 (usually divided into three prizes)

In spring 2023, the Foundation's Board of Trustees decided to suspend the awarding of new scholarships until further notice and to focus on other funding formats—particularly organizing competitions within the Young Researchers' Forum. As a result, new applications are currently not possible.

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Hermann Eiselen Science Award


Target group:
Doctoral researchers with a degree from European universities under the age of 40

Area of studies:
Researchers engaged in improving food security in developing countries

Prize money:
EUR 30,000 (at least EUR 10,000 per awardee)

The next call for applications is expected in October 2025.

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Umweltstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe Ettlingen (Environmental Foundation of the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Ettlingen) Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis (Sparkasse Award for environmental research)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers and diploma or master's graduates

Area of studies:
All of them. Outstanding scientific work that serves the public good, in particular the solution of environmental problems, will be honored.

Terms of application:
The call for applications is issued through the KIT Climate and Environment Center. Applications should be submitted via the respective supervisors to the office of the KIT Climate and Environment Center. Applicants should generally have completed their work after July 1, 2024. Please note that submitting supervisors are requested to review two of the submitted works.

Prize money:
EUR 15,000

July 18, 2025

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Verband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württemberg e.V. (Baden-Wuerttemberg Employers’ Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry) Südwestmetall-Preis (Südwestmetall Prize)

Target group:
Doctoral researchers, dissertation award

Area of studies:
The award recognizes outstanding work that is important for the industrial world of work and/or its socio-political framework conditions.

Terms of application:
In 2024, candidates who completed their doctorate between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024 could be nominated. Self-nominations are not possible. Please contact the respective KIT department. Each KIT department (faculty) may submit a maximum of two proposals. The nominations of the KIT faculties have to be submitted to Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS). Your contact person at KHYS is ▶ Nadja Mazko.

Prize money:
EUR 5,000

The next call for applications is expected in late summer/fall 2025.


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