Advisory Offices – Counseling in Conflict Situations
Junior researchers often face different challenges in their research period. These could lead to conflicts, for example concerning the supervision relationship, within a working group, regarding financing issues or concerning self-structured working. The challenging phase that young scientists face can also lead to personal problems. Should you find yourself in such or similar conflict situations, you can find support at various advisory offices available at KIT:
Open Consultation Hours at KHYS
KHYS offers open consultation hours in principle every Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. in Bldg. 30.96, room 116. [▶ more]
Ombudspersons for Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors
KIT appointed special Ombudspersons for doctoral researchers and supervisors to support the solution finding for problems or conflicts which arise as part of the supervisory relationship. You can find further information and personal profiles of the Ombudspersons ▶ here.
Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Research Practice
Compliance with the rules of good research practice is indispensable for all scientists. The ▶ Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, as persons of trust, advise those who inform them about suspected scientific misconduct by others. On the other hand, those suspected of misconduct can also contact the responsible Ombudsperson.
In addition to their advisory activities, the Ombudsmen regularly give lectures at KIT, for example during the KIT Doctoral Days. Further information can be found in the presentation ▶ How to Avoid Scientific Malpractice (PDF file, only in German). Moreover, the ▶ Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles at KIT (Office GWP) supports the communication and implementation of good research practice (German: "Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis", GWP) at KIT.
In addition, the ▶ Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in Germany (OWID) appointed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; DFG) is available to all scientists for advice and support on questions of good research practice and its violation via scientific dishonesty.
Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles
The ▶ Guidelines for Ethical Principles of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) declare that all members of KIT are to make use the freedom of art and scholarship, research, and teaching, as described in Art. 5 par. 3 of the German Basic Law in a conscious and responsible manner.
The KIT Senate actively supports the discourse on ethics in science. To this end, it has appointed ▶ two Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles and an Ethics Committee. They are responsible for the further development of the ▶ Guidelines for Ethical Principles of KIT and for advising KIT members and associates and support them regarding sensitive issues. As a KIT member, you can contact one of the Ombudspersons with your questions at any time.
In addition, the ▶ Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles at KIT (Office GWP) supports the Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles and the KIT Ethics Committee.
Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling
The conflict management and psychosocial counseling unit (KMB) serves as an additional contact point for all members of KIT and offers competent help in the shape of individual counseling, coaching, conflict counseling, mediation, team support and arranging further support services. The counselling services provide assistance with all problems that limit your ability to work. These can be based on both the work context as well as your personal situation.
Higher Education Law and Academic Affairs
For all legal questions regarding the processes for the doctorate and the doctoral ordinances please contact the service unit ▶ Higher Education Law and Academic Affairs (DE HAA).
Further Points of Contact at KIT
KIT offers its members further contact points. On the ▶ website of the Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling unit (KMB) you can find an overview. In addition, we have compiled a selection for you:
▶ Conventions of Doctoral Researchers
▶ International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO)
▶ Equal Opportunities
▶ Gender and Diversity Management
▶ AG Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination
▶ Contact Persons for Sexual Harassment
▶ Personalservice (personnel support; PSE)
▶ Personalrat (staff council)
▶ Medizinische Dienste (medical services)
▶ Schwerbehindertenvertretung (representatives for the severely handicapped)
▶ KIT Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases
▶ Netzwerk Gesundheit (health network)
▶ Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
▶ Compliance Staff Unit
▶ KIT "Kummerkasten" (suggestion box)
▶ Whistleblower Portal of KIT
You can find an overview of the contact points at KIT for conflict counseling in this ▶ flyer.