Award Winners
Winners of the 17th KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2023/2024:
- Dr. phil. Sina Brückner-Amin ("From farms to the “New Frontier”: The Planning of UC Irvine’s Educational environment, 1932–1965")
- Dr.-Ing. Marvin Carl May ("Intelligent production control for time-constrained complex job shops")
- Dr.-Ing. Jiaming Zhang ("Scene Understanding for Intelligent Transportation and Mobility Assistance Systems")
With this award, KIT honors outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT.
The award ceremony will be part of the President's Banquet 2025.
The KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2023/2024 is again sponsored by Schleicher-Stiftung in cooperation with KIT-Stiftung. KIT sincerely thanks both foundations for their support. Additionally, KHYS received this year condolence donations on the occasion of the death of Prof. Dr. Robert Stieglitz (Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology) for the purpose of promoting young scientists. Since Prof. Stieglitz was very committed to supporting young scientists, the donations will be used to increase the prize money. In total, the prize money will increase therefore to 5,050 Euro this year.
2023 Award Winners
Winners of the 14th KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2022/2023:
- Dr. rer. nat. Bianca Schacherl ("Advancing actinide high-energy resolution X-ray absorption/ emission spectroscopic tools")
- Dr.-Ing. Constantin Seibold ("Towards the automatic generation of medical reports in low supervision scenarios")
- Dr. rer. nat. Jan van der Linden ("Inclusive and differential cross section measurement of ttbb production and studies of tt production with additional jet radiation")
With this award, KIT honors outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT.
The award ceremony was part of the President's Banquet on November 28, 2024.
The KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2022/2023 was sponsored by Schleicher-Stiftung and Erika und Dr. Wolfgang Eichelberger-Stiftung in cooperation with KIT-Stiftung. KIT sincerely thanks both foundations for their support.
2022 Award Winners
Winners of the 15th KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2021/2022:
Dr. rer. nat. Vincent Hahn ("On 3D Laser Micro- and Nanoprinting: Faster, Finer, and More Affordable")
Dr. rer. nat. Ansgar Pausch ("Development and Application of Efficient Computational Methods for Molecular Spectroscopy in Finite Magnetic Fields")
Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Portele ("Seasonal Predictions: From Global to Regional Information for Decision Support in Water Resources Management in Semi-arid Regions")
With this award, KIT honors outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT.
The award ceremony was part of the President's Banquet on July 22, 2023.
The KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2021/2022 was sponsored by Schleicher-Stiftung in cooperation with KIT-Stiftung. KIT sincerely thanks for their support.
2021 Award Winners
Winners of the 14th KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2020/2021:
Dr. rer. nat. Jakob Asenbauer ("Conversion/Alloying Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries")
Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Frenzel ("On 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials")
Dr.-Ing. Julia Rau ("Mechanismen tribologisch-induzierter Oxidation in hochreinem Kupfer")
Dr.-Ing. Alina Roitberg ("Uncertainty-aware Models for Deep Learning-based Human Activity Recognition and Applications in Intelligent Vehicles")
With this award, KIT honors outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT.
The award ceremony was part of the President's Banquet on July 2, 2022.
The KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2020/2021 was sponsored by Schleicher-Stiftung and Erika und Dr. Wolfgang Eichelberger-Stiftung in cooperation with KIT-Stiftung. KIT sincerely thanks both foundations for their support.
2020 Award Winners
Winners of the KIT Doctoral Award of the year 2019/2020:
- Dr. rer. nat. Jasmin Marie Busch ("Synthese von Kupfer(I)- und Silber(I)-Komplexen zur Untersuchung kooperativer Effekte und Anwendung in OLEDs")
- Dr. rer. nat. Lisa Maria Kohl ("On Improving Communication Complexity in Cryptography")
- Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Künzel ("Sustainable High-Voltage Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries")
- Dr. rer. nat. Nicole Ludwig ("Data-Driven Methods for Demand-Side Flexibility in Energy Systems")
With this award, KIT honors outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT.
The award ceremony will be part of the President's Banquet. Due to the current situation, this is not planned until 2022.
The KIT Doctoral Award 2020 was again sponsored by Schleicher-Stiftung in cooperation with KIT-Stiftung. KIT sincerely thanks the Schleicher-Stiftung for their support.
2019 Award Winners
12th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr. rer. nat. Hannah Rothfuß ("Single-Chain Nanoparticle Formation Induced by Metal Complexation")
- Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Schlüter ("Tropical waves and rainfall over Africa: Variability, mechanisms and potential for forecasting")
- Dr.-Ing. Merita Tafili (“Monotonic, cyclic and dilatant behaviour of cohesive soils: constitutive description, experimental observations and applications”)
2018 Award Winners
11th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr. rer. nat. Alena Kalyakina („Novel lanthanide-based luminescent probes for biological and lighting applications”)
- Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Ried („On some nonlinear and nonlocal effective equations in kinetic theory and nonlinear optics”)
- Dr.-Ing. Frederik Kotz („Entwicklung neuer Materialien für die additive Fertigung und das Rapid Prototyping von Glas und Polymethylmethacrylat”)
▶ President's Banquet (intranet, German only)
▶ Video presentation of the award winners (German only)
2017 Award Winners
10th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bahro ("Externe Quanteneffizienzmessungen an organischen Tandemsolarzellen")
- Dr. rer. nat. Pascal Friederich ("Simulation of charge transport in amorphous organic semiconductors")
- Dr.-Ing. Gustavo Lenis ("Signal Processing Methods for the Analysis of the Electrocardiogram")
▶ President's Banquet (intranet, German only)
2016 Award Winners
9th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Breitner ("Lazy Evaluation: From natural semantics to a machine-checked compiler transformation")
- Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe ("Modeling Human Atrial Patho-Electrophysiology from Ion Channels to ECG")
- Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Solleder ("Novel Approaches Towards Sequence-Defined Macromolecules
- using Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions")
▶ President's Banquet (intranet, German only)
2015 Award Winners
8th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr.-Ing. Stefan Höfle ("Flüssigprozessierte organische Tandem-Leuchtdioden")
- Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Krämmer ("Optoelectronic Characterization of Thin-Film Solar Cells by Electroreflectance and Luminescence Spectroscopy")
- Dr. rer. nat. Anja Randecker ("Geometry and topology of wild translation surfaces")
7th KIT Doctoral Award
- Dr.-Ing. James Edward Daniell ("Development of socio-economic fragility functions for use in worldwide rapid earthquake loss estimation procedures")
- Dr. rer. nat. Friedrich Fauser ("Etablierung von Systemen zur zielgerichteten Mutagenese und sequenzspezifischen Integration von Transgenen in Arabidopsis thaliana")
- Dr.-Ing. Anna Schmieg ("Herstellung von W/O/W-Doppelemulsionen: Untersuchungen zu Tropfenaufbruch und Koaleszens der inneren Tropfen")
▶ Video presentation of the 2015 award winners
2014 Award Winners
Earth and Environment
- Dr. rer. nat. Isabelle Steinke („Ice nucleation properties of mineral dusts”)
Matter and Materials
- Dr.-lng. Petra Thoma („Ultra-fast YBCO Direct Detectors for the THz Frequency Range”)
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schulz („High Quality Graph Partitioning”)
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr. rer. nat. Per Niklas Hedde („Light Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Barrier for Live Cell Studies”)
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-lng. Andreas Geiger(„Probabilistic Models for 3D Urban Scene Understanding from Movable Platforms”)
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr. rer. pol. Steffen Hitzemann („Carbon Finance: Equilibrium Modeling and Empirical Analysis”)
▶ Video presentation of the 2014 award winners
2013 Award Winners
Earth and Environment
- Dr.-Ing. Xiaoguang Luo (GPS Stochastic Modelling – Signal Quality Measures and ARMA Processes)
Matter and Materials
- Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Mertens (Study of Background Processes in the Electrostatic Spectrometers of the KATRIN Experiment )
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr.-Ing. Jens Mittag (Characterization, Avoidance and Repair of Packet Collisions in Inter-Vehicle Communication Networks )
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr. Ing. Martin Krüger (Personalized Multi-Scale Modeling of the Atria: Heterogeneities, Fiber Architecture, Hemodialysis and Ablation Therapy
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-Ing. Florian Keller (Numerische Simulation kolloidaler Partikelsysteme)
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr.- rer. pol. Lukas Wiewiorra (The Economics of Net Neutrality – Implications of Priority Pricing in Access Networks
2012 Award Winners
Earth and Environment
- Dr. rer. nat. Christian Grams (Quantification of the downstream impact of extratropical transition for Typhoon Jangmi and other case studies)
Matter and Materials
- Dr.-Ing. Felix Fritzen (Microstructural modeling and computational homogenization of the physically linear and nonlinear constitutive behavior of micro-heterogeneous materials)
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr. rer. nat. Ignaz Rutter (The Many Faces of Planarity - Matching, Argumentation, and Embedding Algorithms for Planar Graphs)
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Knoll (Rolle der DNA-Helikasen FANCM, SRS2 und RTEL1 in der somatischen und meiotischen homologen Rekombination von Arabidopsis thaliana)
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-Ing. Diana Göhringer (Flexible Design and Dynamic Utilization of Adaptive Scalable Multi-Core Systems)
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr. rer. pol. Martina Haase (Entwicklung eines Energie- und Stoffstrommodells zur ökonomischen und ökologischen Bewertung der Herstellung chemischer Grundstoffe aus Lignocellulose)
2011 Award Winners
Earth and Environment
- Dr. rer. nat. Katja Träumner (Einmischprozesse am Oberrand der konvektiven atmosphärischen Grenzschicht)
Matter and Materials
- Dr. rer. nat. Andrew Inglis (RAFT-HDA Chemistry Conception, Development and Application of a Facile Tool for Precision Macromolecular Engineering)
- Dr. rer. nat. Michael Thiel (Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Three-Dimensional Chiral Photonic Crystals)
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart (Verteiler Namensdienst für dezentrale IP-Telefonie)
- Dr. rer. pol. Markus Krötzsch (Description Logic Rules)
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Groß (Die Totalsynthese von (+)-Fumimycin)
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-Ing. Gerald Grünewald (Staubeinbindung und Keimbildung bei der Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation - Vom Prozessverständnis zur Modellierung)
- Dr.-Ing. Moritz Werling (Ein neues Konzept für die Trajektoriengenerierung und -stabilisierung in zeitkritischen Verkehrsszenarien)
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr. rer. pol. Marc Adam (Measuring Emotions in Electronic Auctions)
2010 Award Winners
The KIT Doctoral Award 2010 carries a value of 2000 Euros and is awarded to the following junior researchers for their excellent doctoral research work:
Earth and Environment
- Dr.-Ing. Doreen Kalz (Heating and Cooling Concepts employing Environmental Energy and Thermo-Active Building Systems for Low-Energy Buildings)
Matter and Materials
- Dr.-Ing. Jochen Senger (Versetzungsdynamiksimulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Mikrometerproben)
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr. rer. nat. Martin Nöllenburg (Network Visualization: Algorithms, Applications, and Complexity)
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Krittian (Modellierung der kardialen Strömung-Struktur-Wechselwirkung)
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-Ing. Oliver Sander (Skalierbare adaptive System-on-Chip-Architekturen für Inter-Car und Intra-Car Kommunikationsgateways)
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr. rer.pol. Marion Ott (Second-Price Proxy-Auctions in Bidder-Seller-Networks)
2009 Award Winners
The KIT Doctoral Award 2009 was awarded to the following junior researchers for their excellent doctoral research work:
Earth and Environment
- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Dyroff
Matter and Materials
- Dr. Volker Büge
Information, Communication and Organization
- Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Schultes
Applied Life Sciences
- Dr.-Ing. Simon Klink
Systems and Processes
- Dr.-Ing. Peter Eckert
Technology, Culture and Society
- Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Roos