Provided that you are enrolled as a doctoral researcher, you need to officially disenroll/deregister in order to receive the doctoral degree certificate and report.
The process is the same for all enrolled doctoral researchers, regardless of their nationality.
On the basis of Art. 62 par. 5 of the Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges (LHG), so-called endorsements of various KIT institutions are obtained with the help of the application for deregistration.
Please fill out the ▶ application for deregistration and have the respective endorsements recorded on it by the responsible offices in question. Subsequently, you submit the signed application for deregistration to the ▶ Welcome Desk team of the “Studierendenservice”:
Business Unit Studium und Lehre
- Studierendenservice -
Englerstrasse 13
Building 10.12
76131 Karlsruhe
The Welcome Desk team of the “Studierendenservice” will carry out the deregistration on the basis of the application. This is a necessary prerequisite for the issuance of the graduation documents (doctoral degree certificate and report).
The most important questions and answers regarding enrollment and disenrollment/deregistration can be found ▶ here.