Grants for Materials and Travel Expenses
Are you planning a stay abroad, do you need material resources or printing subsidies? Have a look around and find the right support for your project!
- Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy at the Federation of German Industries e. V. – Bronnbacher Scholarship
- Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – Travel Grants
- Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund e.V. (Association of German Female Academics) – Printing Subsidies
- Eucor – Mobility Funding
- European Research Council (ERC) and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – Proof of Concept – Grants
- FAZIT-STIFTUNG (FAZIT Foundation) – Printing Subsidies
- FAZIT-STIFTUNG (FAZIT Foundation) – Travel Grants
- Friedrich-Stammberger-Foundation – Printing Subsidies
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Program for Travels to Conferences
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Program for Travels to Lecture Tours
- Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung für Geisteswissenschaften (Boehringer Ingelheim Siblings Foundation for the Humanities) – Printing Subsidies
- Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften – WIN 2024
- Joachim Herz Stiftung – Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science
- Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (Words Copyright Collective) – Printing Subsidies
Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy at the Federation of German Industries e. V. – Bronnbacher Scholarship
Target group:
Doctoral researchers among others
Area of studies:
All, especially STEM subjects
Terms of application:
Applicants should be distinguished by special professional and personal achievements and show the willingness to assume social responsibility as future decision-makers. It is also important to have an open personality and be prepared to engage in artistic processes.
Period/Amount of Funding:
For the period of one year there are various events (workshops, excursions)
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – Travel Grants
Target group:
doctoral researchers, postdocs
Area of studies:
Biomedical research
Period/amount of funding:
Travel grants are awarded for short-term visits of up to three months. The travel grants (lump sum) contribute to the expenses for travel to and from a destination, lodging (e.g. student housing), and course fees.
Terms of application:
The grants are intended for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to learn clearly-defined methods useful for their ongoing research and their current laboratory by visiting another laboratory, or by attending research-orientated courses with the practical part making up at least 50% of the course. The grants can also be used by PhD candidates and their potential supervisors to evaluate the scientific and personal fit before the start of a PhD project in another country by funding a research stay of one to three months in the supervisor’s laboratory.
The application shall be completed in English and by the applicant personally.
Ongoing, however at the latest six weeks before travelling
Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund e.V. (Association of German Female Academics) – Printing Subsidies
Target group:
Female doctoral researchers and postdocs
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
Printing subsidies of up to EUR 500 for scientific publications
Terms of application:
Disciplines with a low share of women are considered especially.
April 15 and October 15 of every year
Eucor – Mobility Funding
Target group:
All KIT staff members of all fields of work
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
Travel and accommodation expenses from KIT to Eucor partner.
Terms of application:
The purpose of travel or stay should serve the establishment and deepening of cooperations with the Eucor partner universities as well as the exchange of experience, further training and conferences, short teaching visits, work shadowing at a person with a similar field of work. Applications can be sent informally to the ▶ Eucor team .
No specific deadline, ongoing application possible, to be sent well-timed before the travel or stay.
European Research Council (ERC) and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – Proof of Concept – Grants
Target group:
ERC grantees
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
The ERC reimburses 100 % of the direct project costs and a flat rate of 7 % of the indirect costs. Costs for patenting or similar can also be covered. For a duration of up to 18 months, the ERC provides a maximum of EUR 150,000 per "proof of concept" project.
Terms of application:
The funding initiative is exclusively for ERC grantees who want to use an idea resultant of their project. Group leaders of both Starting as well as Advanced Grants projects may apply. The initial project may not have been completed for more than one year before the publication date of an ERC Proof of Concept call.
For the exact dates pleas contact the European Research Council (ERC).
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FAZIT-STIFTUNG (FAZIT Foundation) – Printing Subsidies
Target group:
Doctoral researchers not older than 28 years at the start of the doctoral research phase
Area of studies:
All with an emphasis on media/journalism
Period/amount of funding:
Printing subsidies for thesis or habilitation with at most EUR 2,000 (restricted to the required number of mandatory copies)
Terms of application:
There must be a "real financial hardship"; endorsement of the application by the professor (supervisor) and an indication of the estimated printing costs with calculation of costs. The application must be made in German, and applicants must be proficient in the German language.
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FAZIT-STIFTUNG (FAZIT Foundation) – Travel Grants
Target group:
Doctoral researchers not older than 28 years at the start of the doctoral research phase
Area of studies:
All with an emphasis on media/journalism
Terms of application:
There must be a "real financial hardship"; endorsement of the application by the professor (supervisor). The application must be made in German, and applicants must be proficient in the German language.
Period/amount of funding:
Travel subsidies (conference fee, air fare, train tickets, hotel costs etc.) as part of a doctorate with up to EUR 3,000
Completed applications for travel grants should be submitted at least six weeks prior to travel.
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Friedrich-Stammberger-Foundation – Printing Subsidies
Target group:
(Young) scientists
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
Printing subsidies for contributions to publications of the DGGV (German Society of Earth Sciences), grants for eastern European geoscientists and societies to subscribe to DGGV publications and to participate in DGGV events
Terms of application:
Self-nomination via a written application
November 15 of every year
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Program for Travels to Conferences
Target group:
Scientists (from doctorate onwards) and doctoral researchers
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
A. For active participation in person: DAAD travel allowance (In the event of funding being granted, funding recipients who travel to the destination from abroad will receive a travel allowance of up to 80% of the documented airfare), flat-rate accommodation allowance (per proven congress day), a lump sum of EUR 300 for material costs.
B. For active online participation: Against proof reimbursement of participation fees, membership fee (for max. 1 year) and abstract fee (for max. 1 abstract). Surcharges for late registration will not be reimbursed.
Terms of application:
The program supports active participation in international scientific congresses and conferences. Active participation is defined as the presentation of one's own paper or poster, or the main responsibility for the conception and chairing of a panel. Participation can take place online or in person.
Applications can be submitted at any time. First documents must be submitted 4 months (120 days) ahead of the event.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Program for Travels to Lecture Tours
Target group:
Scientists (from doctorate onwards) and doctoral researchers
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
For lecture tours, a subsidy amounting to the applicable DAAD flat-rate travel allowance is paid.
Terms of application:
The line of funding "lecture tours" is designed to enable scientists to accept written invitations of foreign colleagues or scientific institutions outside of congresses or conferences.
Applications can be submitted at any time. The application must be submitted at least 1 month (30 days) ahead of the planned lecture.
Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung für Geisteswissenschaften (Boehringer Ingelheim Siblings Foundation for the Humanities) – Printing Subsidies
Target group:
Doctoral researchers, postdocs
Area of studies:
Research with interdisciplinary aspects, either in the field of economics or natural sciences (here with explicit biological reference).
Period/amount of funding:
The fellowships enable flexible and individual research stays, conference visits, the acquisition of equipment and the use of continuing education opportunities. They are not intended to cover the cost of living. The fellows are funded for a maximum period of two years and two months. The funding consists of up to 12,500 euros each for individual research funding and for networking among the fellows. An additional amount of up to 3,000 euros is available for fellows with children.
Terms of application: Applications are open to young researchers of all nationalities working at a German research institution. Applicants should be doctoral researchers or postdocs in the natural sciences or economics and work on an interdisciplinary research topic - in the case of the natural sciences explicitly with a biological reference. The position should have a similar duration as the Fellowship or it should seem plausible that they will pursue an academic career for the next two years. Applications should be submitted directly to the Joachim Herz Stiftung.
February 15 and August 15.
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Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften – WIN 2024
Target group:
Scientists in their early postdoc phase who work at a research institute in Baden-Württemberg
Area of studies:
Period/amount of funding:
The application as well as the conference has to be interdisciplinary. In the application, it has to be explicitly shown which topic will be talked about at the conference and explained how it can only be talked about in the framework of an interdisciplinary conference. The application text must not be longer than five pages [Times New Roman 12pt, line spacing 1,15], include a conference plan and a finance plan as well as a CV (max. 1 page) with a publiations list (max. 2 pages per person). The documents have to be sent in a joint PDF-file.
Terms of application:
Financial support up to EUR 11.000, support of the independent implementation through experienced coworkers, possibility to publish the results of the conference, conference rooms for up to 60 participants as well as the production of conferenceand advertisement materials.
5. Mai 2023
Joachim Herz Stiftung – Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science
Target group:
Doctoral researchers, postdocs
Area of studies:
Research with interdisciplinary reference, either in the field of economics or natural sciences (here with explicit biological connection).
Period/amount of funding:
The fellowships enable flexible and individual research stays, conference visits, the acquisition of aids and the use of continuing education opportunities. They are not intended to cover living costs. Fellows are funded for a maximum period of two years and two months. The funding consists of up to EUR 12,500 each for individual research funding and for networking among the fellows. An additional amount of up to EUR 3,000 is available for Fellows with children.
Terms of application:
Applications are open to young researchers of all nationalities working at a German research institution. Applicants should be doctoral or post-doctoral researchers working in the natural sciences or economics and working on an interdisciplinary research topic - in the case of the natural sciences explicitly with a biological connection. The position should have a similar duration as the Fellowship or it should seem plausible that they will pursue an academic career for the next two years. Applications should be submitted directly to the Joachim Herz Stiftung.
June 6, 2023
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Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (Words Copyright Collective) – Printing Subsidies
Target group:
Scientist with previously unpublished works
Period/amount of funding:
A maximum of EUR 12,000 is paid, depending on the calculation of the publisher
Terms of application:
Subsidies are provided for printing costs for up to the date of the approval of funding unpublished, outstanding scientific works that may not appear without financial assistance due to a high degree of specialization and limited circulation. A panel composed of an equal number of publishers and scientists awards the grants based on strictly scientific criteria.
Recently no applications are accepted.
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