
In order to check the different objectives, the doctoral researchers and their supervisors are regularly asked for their opinions on the various aspects of the PhD period in internal surveys conducted by the central PhD quality management staff.

Being among the central fundamental datasets required for KIT’s PhD quality management, the surveys are an integral part of the PhD quality management cycle (PDCA cycle).

The legal basis for all PhD-related evaluations is the ▶ Evaluationssatzung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) für die Durchführung von Eigen- und Fremdevaluationen zum Zwecke der Qualitätssicherung im Promotionswesen of  November 5, 2019 (Evaluation statutes of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for conducting internal and external evaluations for the purpose of PhD quality assurance (in German only)).

KHYS conducts the following evaluations:

▶ Surveys of Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors at KIT
▶ Surveys of Postdocs
▶ Evaluation of KHYS Qualification Program
▶ Evaluational Support of the KIT Graduate Schools and Doctoral Programs