Information and Offers for Supervisors of Postdocs

The promotion of early-career researchers and young scientists is a top priority at KIT. Supervisors, in particular, play a major role in supporting early-career researchers and young scientists on their career path.

The ▶ Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase at KIT serve postdocs and their supervisors to ensure transparency and reliability during a qualification phase that is central to their career. They are guidelines for both parties and outline the general framework conditions during a postdoc phase at KIT. [▶ more]

Due to the strong competition from other research institutions and industrial employers, it is often very difficult to attract excellent early-career researchers and young scientists. The Aspirant Grant (Postdoc) enables you to invite those interested in postdocs from abroad to spend a month at KIT to get to know the program. [▶ more]

On the New Appointees Portal, newly appointed professors can find all the information that may be relevant for their start in their new position or during their stay at KIT. [▶ more]

The annual performance review provides a framework for good cooperation and a good management culture and is conducted at KIT across all levels. It is directed at all KIT employees, both in administration and technology as well as in the scientific area. [▶ more]

Leadership means taking responsibility for employees. Persons with leadership responsibility create ideal conditions so that all employees can develop their potential for KIT. [▶ more]