Schedule of Events
[KHYS Postdoc Days 2023] Independence: Key factor to a successful career in science
International Guest Lecture House (Heinrich Hertz, 01.52)
Engesserstraße 3
If you pursue a career in academia, the postdoc phase is the crucial stage to set the course in order to succeed as scientist. Although a complete doctorate generally demonstrates your aptitude for scientific work, as a postdoc you should not only focus on acquiring further scientific knowledge and skills, but also on becoming visible as an independent scientist.
In our panel discussion, experts and role models will talk about the different aspects and dimensions of how to develop a unique profile as a scientist: What are the major strategic decisions that should be made in this regard, and what small steps can already be taken in your current position as a postdoc? How can superiors, mentors, peers and central service units support you on your way to become a visible independent researcher?
In the subsequent get-together with beverages and snacks you will have the chance to get to know your fellow postdocs at KIT.
4.30 p.m. Opening and Welcome
4.35 p.m. Impulse lecture by Dr. Bärbel Tress (career coach, instructor, co-founder and ceo of Tress Academic)
5.00 p.m. Panel discussion
6.00 p.m. Get-together
The panel discussion will be hosted by Dr. Bärbel Tress and include the following guests:
- Junior Research Group Leader Dr. Julian Quinting (Research Associate at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, holder of an ERC Starting Grant)
- Professor Dr. Stefanie Dehnen (Executive Director and Research Unit Chair of the Institute of Nanotechnology and spokesperson of the Review Board for Molecular Chemistry at DFG)
- Professor Dr. Mehdi Tahoori (Professor and Chair of Dependable Nano-Computing (CDNC) at the Institute of Computer Science & Engineering)
- TT-Professor Dr. Barbara Bruno (Head of the Research Group "Socially Assistive Robotics with Artificial Intelligence" (SARAI) at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics IAR)
This event is part of the KHYS Postdoc Days 2023 and is sponsored by the Helmholtz Association. It is also part of this year's Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany.
Jana Schmitt M.A.
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) / KIT Postdoc Office
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Straße am Forum 3 / 116, Geb. 30.96
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-45293
Fax: +49 721 608-46222
Mail: postdoc ∂does-not-exist.khys kit edu