Funding for Postdoctoral Researchers

There are various possibilities for financing the postdoc phase. Be inspired and find the right funding!

With our ▶ Research Travel Grant we support young scientists in funding their stay abroad!

Note: For a simpler search for suitable funding opportunities you can use the keyword search of your browser (Ctrl + F). It is recommended to search for subject areas (for example, physics, all).



Andrea von Braun-Stiftung voneinander wissen

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
The Andrea von Braun Foundation supports projects, research and other activities that are

  1. Sufficiently interdisciplinary in nature
  2. Devoted to the aims of sustainability in ecological boundary areas
  3. Highly defined by practical implementability

Terms of application:
Applications are to be sent by e-mail. The foundation is committed to the comprehensibility and brevity of the application. The prerequisite for the application is that the project is interdisciplinary and overcomes and reduces boundaries between disciplines and subject areas, especially those with little or no contact with one another.

Period/amoun of funding:

At the moment, project proposals can be submitted without a deadline.

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AXA Research Fund Junior Research Fellowships

Target group:
outstanding researchers

Area of studies:
The field of environmental risks, life risks, or socio-economic risks

Terms of application:
To apply for these fellowships, host institutions must be registered in the AXA Research Fund´s database. The AXA Research Fund does not accept unsolicited applications from individual applicants. Projects that are already underway cannot be funded.

Period/amount of funding:
The fellowship covers a total amount of  EUR125,000 over a duration of two years. Scholarship holders receive funding for their salary (according to the contracts of the institutes), equipment, travel allowances and other important aspects.

April 10, 2024, Those interested in the program should contact the ▶ KIT Research Office (FOR).

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Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship

Target group:
Researchers in STEM, the humanities and social sciences

Area of Studies:
STEM, the humanities and social sciences

Terms of Application:
A maximum of 24 Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded each year: up to 18 Fellowships in STEM fields, up to three in humanities and up to three in social sciences. At the time of application, all applicants are required to have an academic sponsor who is a faculty member at one of the following eligible Israeli institutions: Bar-Ilan University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Reichman University, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa, and Weizmann Institute of Science. Along with funding, the program offers unique opportunities for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural exchange, leadership training, community engagement, professional mentorship and a welcoming staff dedicated to the wellbeing of all Fellows. Furthermore, Fellows on their postdoctoral track join a growing network of outstanding early career scientists and scholars. The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship is open to candidates who have received their PhD degrees no earlier than November 1, 2020, in all countries except Israel. Allowances are made for parental or medical leave or other career interruptions.

Important information regarding the proposal's struture and other details can be taken from this ▶ PDF. If general questions regarding the postdoc phase in Israel arise, you can consult this ▶ website.

Period/amount of funding:
The Fellowship is offered for two years. Renewal for a third year will be
considered favourably based on a competitive evaluation process. The Fellowship consists of a basic stipend of ILS 168,000 per academic year,
with an additional ILS 20,000 granted annually for research expenses and
research-related travel (altogether approximately EUR 53,000 in total).

Thursday, May 9, 2024. It is strongly recommended that candidates begin contacting Israeli academic sponsors well beforehand.

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Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung Elite program for postdocs

Target group:
The programme finances selected outstanding young scientists at universities in Baden-Württemberg to carry out their own research projects.

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Applications are submitted to the ▶ Research Office. Up to 14 people are accepted into the programme per year. KIT is allowed to submit up to six proposals per year.

Period/amount of funding:
The maximum amount for a project is EUR 150,000 for a maximum period of 3 years. The amount of funding depends on the peculiarities of the represented subject.

Announcements are generally made early each year.

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Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) Dirichlet Postdoc Fellowship

Target group:
early-stage postdoctoral researchers from around the world

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
This two-year position is open to promising young mathematicians who will have completed their PhD degree by 30 September 2023 and want to pursue their own research in one of the seven research fields of mathematics offered by the Berlin Mathematical School. Applications from well-qualified individuals, especially women, are highly encouraged.

Period/amount of funding:
Two-year position. The competitive full-year salary includes health insurance.

The Dirichlet program is currently not accepting applications.

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Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung

Target group:
female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who have kids

Area of studies:
Experimental sciences, medicine

Terms of application:
Applications are open to doctoral candidates and postdocs of all nationalities who are researching at universities and research institutes in Germany, as well as postdoctoral researchers who have completed their doctorate at a german university and are continuing their research abroad. The funding is provided to serve as a relief for the household and childcare. The funds do not serve to finance the living expenses of the stipendiary and her family. These must already be guaranteed. It is also a requirement that the stipendiary works full time during the funding period and that full-time care of the child/children by a daycare centre or childminder is guaranteed and financed. 

Period/amount of funding:
one year (extension possible) with EUR 200-400 a month

Annually from September, 01 to November, 30

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CZS Nexus

Target group:
Postdocs with an interdisciplinary background               

Area of studies:
In the field of STEM with a relation to Artificial Intelligence, Resource Efficiency or Life Science Technologies

Terms of application:

The proposed project 

  • will establish an independent working group at a state university or non-university research institution (host institution).
  • is in the field of STEM at the interface between two or more subject areas according to the DFG subject classification system.
  • is related to Artificial Intelligence, Resource Efficiency or Life Science Technologies.

This program allows postdocs to establish their own interdisciplinary research group at a host institution in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate or Thuringia. The postdocs must not have completed their doctorate more than four years ago.

Period/amount of funding:
The position of the postdoc as research group leader will be funded as well as personnel funds for scientific and technical personnel for the research group. The funding period is five to six years. Funding can be requested for up to a total of EUR 1,500,000.

October 13, 2023

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Dan David Foundation Dan David Prize Scholarships

Target group:
outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Themes must be related to the announced topics.

Terms of application:
Direct applications must be in English. Ten scholarships are awarded to applicants from around the world.

Period/amount of funding:
One academic year with a grant of US-Dollar 15,000

September 30, 2024

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DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)

Target group:

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Applicants with above-average qualifications from all faculties can apply. They must have completed their doctorate with very good results before the start of funding. An application is possible regardless of nationality and current residency. However, depending on nationality and place of residence, restrictions may apply when choosing the destination country for the stay abroad. The support is provided for 18 months, of which the first 12 months are spent abroad and the remaining 6 months of the return phase in Germany. (funding cycle 12+6) Integration into the German social security system is a prerequisite for the research stay abroad. If this condition is not met before the start of the fellowship, funding will begin with a 1-month starting phase in Germany. (funding cycle 1+12+5). Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
temporary 18-month employment contract at a German university according to pay scale TV-L EG 13

August 30, 2024

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Daimler Benz Stiftung Postdoctoral Scholarships

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers and junior professors at German research institutions

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
A prerequisite for participation in the program is the institutional affiliation of the applicant to a German university or to a German scientific institution and conducting a research project of his/her own.

Period/amount of funding:
The funding amounts to €40,000 per scholarship for a period of two years and can be used for various purposes, for example to finance scientific assistants, technical equipment, research trips or participation in conferences.

October 1, 2024

For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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DECHEMA e.V. Research grants

Target group:
Candidates for habilitation, junior professors and university professors, as well as department and group leaders at non-university research institutions

Area of studies:
Chemical Engineering, Process Engineering, Biotechnology

Terms of application:
Eligible are candidates for habilitation, junior professors and university lecturers, as well as departmental and group leaders at non-university research institutes which are not retired at the time of application. Priority will be given to younger colleagues.

Period/amount of funding:
EUR 10,000 for one year

September 15, every year

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German Research Foundation (DFG) Emmy Noether Programme

Target group:
Postdocs with two to four years of research experience

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The doctorate should date back at most four years.

Period/amount of funding:
Funding is provided for six years promoting junior research group including the position of the junior group leader at pay grade BAT Ia / E15 TV-L for the applicant and the necessary staff and equipment funds for the implementation of the project

Applications can be submitted at any time. For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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DFG (German Research Foundation) Individual Grants

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Humanities and social sciences

Terms of application:
This program seeks to fund a scientific project for a set period of time. The project is expected to be of high academic quality.

Period/amount of funding:
Equipment, travels, position, staff, etc. The duration of the funding is limited by the estimated duration of the project.

Ongoing. For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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DFG (German Research Foundation) Walter Benjamin program

Target group:
Young scientists

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
With the "Walter Benjamin program", the largest research funding organization and central self-governing organization for science in Germany aims to enable researchers to independently implement their own project at their chosen location immediately after completing their doctorate. Independent of any activity at home or abroad.

Period/amount of funding:
The Walter Benjamin program integrates funding functions that were previously partly covered by the research fellowship, which is now integrated into it, and partly by the "temporary positions for principal investigators" module in the individual research grants; the latter is now simultaneously profiled as an instrument of research topic-oriented funding. Duration of funding: project specific (usually several years).

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Die Junge Akademie (The Young Academy) Membership

Target group:
young scientists

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Prerequisite for a five years membership of the Junge Akademie is an excellent doctorate that should have been achieved no longer than three to seven years back at the time of selection, and at least one other outstanding work thereafter. The choice is usually limited to the German-speaking countries.

Period/amount of funding:
During the five-year membership in the Junge Akademie each member has a total budget of around EUR 35,000.

November 15, 2024. For further information please contact ▶ Dr. Sarah Wilewski.

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EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships

Target group:
Postdocs in Europe

Area of studies:
Life Sciences (EMBO subjects can be found ▶ here)

Terms of application:
Applicants must have at least one first author publication accepted in or published in an international peer reviewed journal at the time of application. A first author preprint with in-depth peer reviews publicly available from a trusted independent preprint peer review platform is also sufficient for eligibility. Informal comments, highlights and reviews posted by individuals are excluded. Applications to go to the country in which the PhD was obtained will not be considered. Also, the country needs to be an EMBC Member State. The PhD must have been obtained two years prior to the date the application is submitted.

Period/amount of funding:
Up to two years. The fellowship includes a salary or stipend, a relocation allowance and support for fellows with children.

Applications are accepted at any time.

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European Research Council (ERC) ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants

Target group:
outstanding young scientists two to seven years after achieving their doctorate

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
For questions regarding the application and participation in a call for proposals, please contact the team for " EU & Internationale Forschungsförderung " of the Research Office (FOR). Supporting the establishment of the first independent research team of the early career stage scientist.

Period/amount of funding:
Five years with up to EUR 1,500,000

Calls for proposals are made in summer with deadlines in fall and spring of every year

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European Research Council (ERC) ERC Advanced Investigator Grants

Target group:
outstanding researchers, who are already well-established

Area of studies:

Period/amount of funding:
Up to years with EUR 2.5 m. per grant

The call for proposals is annual, the next deadline ends August 29, 2024.

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ESA Research Fellowship in Space Science

Target group:
Postdocs from ESA member or cooperation states

Area of studies:
Space Science

Terms of application:
The European Space Agency accepts proposals of postdocs who have already done their doctorate or will have done it by the time the fellowship starts. Please note that postdocs who have done their doctorate within the last five years will receive preferential treatment. The fellowships have to be done at ESA centers. You can find additional information in the detailed description of the fellowship which has been linked below.

Period/amount of funding:
2 years (in some one year can be added), about EUR 2,500 EUR per month (depends on qualification/experience). If needed, one may apply for additional money for travel or family allowance.

Mid September 2024

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Evonik Foundation Evonik Scholarships

Target group:
doctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Chemistry Terms of application: Applicants cannot finance by own resources or by funding opportunities such as student loans finance his/her scientific training. In 2010, the foundation awards scholarships exclusively for degree thesis (diploma thesis, master thesis, and dissertations and habilitations).

Period/amount of funding:
Postdocs one year, funding is decided on a case-by-case basis

February 15, 2024

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Fondation Fyssen Postdoctoral Study Grants

Target group:
Postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and the Sciences of nervous system

Terms of application:
These grants are awarded to French or foreign researchers, holders of a foreign doctorate and who wish to achieve their project in a laboratory in France; or either French or foreign researchers holders of a French doctorate who wish to achieve their project in a laboratory abroad (excluded origin country and de co-tutorship)

Period/amount of funding:
These grants, of an annual maximum amount of 30,000 euros, intend to cover expenses of hosting, stay and health insurance. Grants are allocated from 12 months, not renewable, or 24 months subject to the approval of the Scientific commitee after examination of a report at the end of first year.

March 29, 2024

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Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Fund of the chemical industry) Liebig scholarship

Target group:
Postdocs up to three years after achieving their doctorate

Area of studies:
Chemistry and related subjects

Terms of application:
Doctorate, excellent studies, change of place and research group after the doctorate

Period/amount of funding:
Three years (extension by two years is possible) with EUR 3,400 Euro a month plus EUR 3,000 a year to procure specialist literature and to visit /participate in scientific conferences or further training; one-time payment of EUR 50,000 Euro for material expenses (EUR 15,000 per year of extension); a doctoral scholarship for two years to fund a scientific assistant

Applications may be submitted at any time.

For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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Fritz Thyssen Foundation Support of projects

Target group:
Young scientists

Area of studies:
Humanities, social sciences and biomedicine

Terms of application:
The planned project should be limited in terms of both time and content. It is possible to apply for funding in the following areas: History, Language & Culture Cross-Section "Bild und Bildlichkeit" State, Economy & Society Cross-Section "International Relations" Medicine and Natural Sciences Interdisciplinary projects are welcomed by the Foundation. Young scientists can apply for their own position within a project and thus act as the sole applicant in this case.

Period/amount of funding:
What cannot be applied for: personnel cost for applicants who already hold a position (substitute for a chair, etc.), funds for construction measures, means for the purchase of office furniture and equipment, which are usually part of the basic equipment of universities and institutes, fundamentally no means of covering overhead- costs. You can find detailed information ▶ here.

February 15 for the summer meeting of the foundation’s board, September 15 for the winter meeting of the foundation committees in February.

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Fritz Thyssen Foundation Research Stipends

Target group:
Younger junior scholars within one to two years of them having attained a doctorate

Area of studies:
History, language & culture; state, economy & society; medicine and natural sciences

Terms of application:
Applications may be made only from within a university or non-profit research facility. For an application doctorate must be completed with thesis defense or viva voce.

Amount/period of funding:
One year with EUR 1,800 a month (basic amount) plus EUR 200 a month in fringe benefits, also family allowance (first child EUR 400, every further EUR 100)

Applications may be submitted at any time. For further information please contact ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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Georg Forster Research Fellowship for researchers from developing and transition countries

Target group:
Postdoctoral and experienced researchers from developing and transition countries – excluding PR China and India

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
In order to apply for the scholarship, a doctorate or comparable academic degree completed less than four years prior to the date of application is required. Also, academic publications must be reviewed according to international standards and printed in journals and/or by publishing houses. A choice of a research outline of major relevance to the future development of the candidate’s country or region of origin is needed. Furthermore, a confirmation that research facilities are available and mentoring agreement at a host research institution in Germany should be added to the application. The applicant's language skills in humanities or social sciences and medicine need a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the research successfully. Otherwise a good knowledge of English is mandatory. In natural sciences and engineering there is also a need for a good knowledge of German or English. The citizenship and principal place of residence and work mustbe in a developing country, emerging economy or transition state (excluding PR China and India).

Period/amount of funding:
6 to 24 months / EUR 2,670 monthly. If needed, family allowance and other additional funding can be applied for.

Applications can be submitted any time.

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Hans-Böckler-Foundation Maria-Weber-Grant for Assistant Professors and Habilitands

Target group:
young scientists

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The Maria-Weber-Grant supports outstanding young scientists during their postdoc phase. The Hans-Böckler-Stiftung is sponsoring the Maria-Weber Grant for a term of one or two semesters for junior professors and professors. For the application, the junior professors must already have passed a positive evaluation.

Period/amount of funding:
EUR 20,000 for each semester

September 15, every year

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Helmholtz – OCPC Programm For Chinese Postdocs

Target group:
Chinese Postdocs (not older than 35) who have acquired their PhD in the last 5 years

Area of Studies:
Research & Development in all areas

Terms of Application:
This program allows Helmholtz Centres to integrate up to 50 postdocs in projects which are going to be conducted or established in cooperation with partner institutions in China. Young scientists may apply for these projects. Accepted scientists receive funding and are allowed to do research at one of the Helmholtz Centres (in this case: KIT) to encourage sustainable cooperation with Chinese partners. If you and your faculty are interested, please contact ▶ DE Internationales with your project ideas until February 20, 2021.

The possibility to be part of a KIT-collaboration project is aimed at talented Chinese candidates of a OCPC registered Postdoc research position. Young scientists who are younger than 35 and have received their degree abroad or are still abroad until September 2021, are eligible to apply. However, they must be registered as Postdoc while handing in their applications.

If questions arise, please contact ▶ Oliver Kaas of the DE Internationales.

Period/amount of funding:
2 years

  • RMB 300.000 (about EUR 1,585 a month: maintenance costs, health insurance, travel expenses)

  • EUR 1,500 a month from decentralized budgets of the KIT (z.B. budget of the institute). Financing must be secured.

March 8, 2023

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Herzog August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel Hauptprogramm

Target group:
Scientists who have attained a doctorate

Area of studies:
All historically oriented subjects

Terms of application:
For fellows there is a residence obligation.

Period/amount of funding:
Six to ten months with EUR 2,200 a month plus allowance for traveling expenses

January 31, 2025

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HIDA Trainee Network Helmholtz-wide exchange program

Target group:
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Information & data sciences

Terms of Application:
The exchange must take place between two Helmholtz Centers. The funding is awarded in particular on the basis of the applicant’s motivation, the quality and originality of the project, and its basic feasibility within the timeframe of the planned research stay. There must be a clear connection to the information science area. The program is intended to promote exchange between Helmholtz Centers and researchers and to enable young scientists to expand their portfolios.

Period/amount of funding:
One- to three-month-long research stays at another Helmholtz Center.

Two funding options:

1. Funding for travel and material expenses (up to EUR 2000 per month) for Helmholtz‑internal doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

2. Receive a research grant (EUR 2860 + subsidies) for Helmholtz-affiliated postdocs

At the start of 2024, HIDA will conduct an interim evaluation of its exchange programs and make adjustments if necessary. The next call for applications is expected to take place in fall 2024.

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Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Postdoctoral Fellowships

Target group:

Area of Studies:
Innovative basic research on fundamental biological problems with a focus on novel aproaches which may cross disciplinary borders.

Terms of Application:
HFSP scholarships encourage young scientists to broaden their research competences by supporting them to cross disciplinary borders and to visit other countries.

Period/amount of funding:
Three years. Scholarship holders are granted a living as well as a research and travel allowance. According to their specific situation, scholarship holders are also eligible for child allowance, parental leave and relocation allowance. Fees differ from country to country.

May 14, 2024

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Institut Pasteur Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini Fellowship

Target group:
Postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The applicant should have successfully completed his / her doctorate less than six years ago. Successful applicants must take up the work at the Pasteur laboratory within eight months from the moment of the funding decision.

Period/amount of funding:
Up to two years.

March 29, 2024

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Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD) Stipendienprogramm 1

Target group:
(Post)-Docs from African, Asian, Latin American or Middle Eastern development or threshold countries

Area of Studies:

Terms of Application:
One can apply for the "Stipendienprogramm 1" of the KAAD if following requirements have been met:

  • university degree and work experience in the home country

  • Catholic denomination (or at least Christian denomination and open to inter-religious dialogue)

  • German knowledge

  • plans for a research stay in Germany at a German university

Period/amount of funding:
Postdoc- or research stay in Germany. Please contact the KAAD in regards to the amount of funding.

Please contact the KAAD in regards to the deadline.

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Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung Habilitation support program (organizations for the promotion of talented students and young researchers)

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Modern history, contemporary history and political science

Terms of application:
Mainly topics are selected from the following areas of present and contemporary history: economic, financial, social and educational policy, electoral and party research (e.g. future of political parties and the program history), foreign, European and security policy in the late 20th century, Germany policy up to 2005, the idea and the future of Christian democracy in Germany, the European Union and across Europe, history of religion in Germany and Europe.

Period/amount of funding:
EUR 1,900 a month, research cost allowance lump sum EUR 300 a month. Funding is usually provided for three years.

January 15 and July 15, every year

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Klaus Tschira Boost Fund

Target group:

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The fund's objective is to give (young) researchers in Germany and in STEM disciplines greater flexibility in shaping their career paths. It is also supposed to help with accelerating their careers and promoting early independence. Furthermore, the fund focuses on flexible funding to create scope for independent, higher risk and interdisciplinary projects. It supports building (international) collaborations and networks, targeted mentoring and advice on professional and personal development.

Period/amount of funding:
Up to EUR 80,000 and up to 2 Jahre, max. 75%; no more than 75% of the funds may be used to cover (parts of) the fellow’s own salary

Autumn 2024

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Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Foundation for the advancement of Life Sciences

Target group:
Postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Life Sciences (biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, proteomics, microbiology, bio-med-tec biophysics, cell biology, systems biology, gentech, bioinformatics a.s.m.)

Terms of application:
Qualification: Diploma or master, doctorate/PhD, MD, at high grades in Natural Sciences or Pharmacy. Age limit: less than 34 years. Applicant's research projects must be embedded in a renowned research organization in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland

Period/amount of funding:
Two years

July 15, every year

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Society in Science The Branco Weiss Fellowship

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
New areas of science, engineering and social sciences

Terms of application:
You are eligible if:

  • You officially hold a PhD on January 15, 2018
  • Your project departs from the mainstream of research in your discipline
  • You have a record of outstanding scientific achievement
  • You demonstrate in the proposal a willingness to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of your particular discipline

CHF 100,000/year (duration 5 years)

Starting from October 2024

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Vector-Stiftung – Research for Climate Protection: Sustainable Carbon Cycle

Target group:

Area of studies:
Natural sciences

Terms of application:
The Vector Stiftung supports research projects that strive to create an environmentally friendly economy using innovative ways. The focus lies on the extraction of CO2 in order to use it afterwards for other purposes. Higher education (Hochschulen), universities and non-commercial research institutions in Baden-Württemberg can apply for the scholarship. Individual as well as cooperative applications are allowed.

Period/amount of funding:
Max. 36 months and EUR 350,000 to cover any project-related staff, publication, travel and material costs.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Vector-Stiftung – MINT for the Enviroment

Target group:

Area of studies:
Natural sciences

Terms of application:
The Vector Stiftung supports excellent early career researchers who want to found a junior research group at a university in Baden-Württemberg. The content of the junior research group is supposed to provide scientific contributions to global aims of a sustainable development. It is exected that the junior research group focuses on complex scientific fields which distuingishes itself from the limitiations of other project fundings in terms of extent and time horizon.

Period/amount of funding:
The junior research group will receive EUR 1 million over a time span of four years. There might be a chance to expand the project for another two years if the final evaluation proves to be succesful.

July 14, 2024

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Volkswagen-Stiftung  Original  isn’t it? New Options for the Humanities and Cultural Sciences

Target group:
Young scientists

Area of studies:
Natural sciences, engineering, social, humanities and cultural sciences

Terms of application:
This funding initiative is directed at scholars from the humanities and cultural sciences. Research ideas may encompass anything that contradicts the established knowledge or is a new approach to research, a new hypothesis, a new theory, observation of a new phenomenon, or discovery of knowledge gaps. Approximately 20 projects will be funded per call.

The funding initiative comprises two funding lines:

  • Funding Line 1 "Komm! ins Offene..." supports individual researchers to initially explore their idea and subsequently describe it in an essay or treatise, in which they demonstrate the particular suitability of the topic for explorative investigation and new approaches. Apart from scholars in the humanities and cultural sciences, this funding line is also open for social scientists working with qualitative methods to submit an application.

  • Funding Line 2 "Constellations" is directed at project teams, that wish to work together and follow up and test the feasibility of a new research idea in an initial exploratory phase. The project results are to be gathered in a co-authored publication. The teams should not exceed four applicants; team partners can also be drawn from the social science, life science, natural science or engineering.

Period/amount  of funding:
For the first funding line, up to EUR 100,000 is provided for up to a maximum of one year.

For the second funding line, up to EUR 200,000 is provided for up to a maximim of 1.5 years.

Funding covers the costs of resources and staff and can be allocated in a flexible manner. Costs could further include the integration of project partners within Germany and abroad, research stays at outside institutions, workshops, costs of employing a deputy during an additional research semester.

Funding will be allocated on a lump-sum basis.

Expected in 2025

For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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Volkswagen Stiftung Lichtenberg Professorships

Target group:
Outstanding young scientists with two to three years of research experience at post-doctoral level (doctorate should not be older than four years) and scientists whose doctoral degree lies max. seven years ago (returnees / applicants from abroad)

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
May be initiated from candidates or institution. Applications must be made by scientists themselves. Foundation expects the university from the beginning to contribute substantial own funds, which should include a base portion of its own budget and the use of resources.

Period/amount of funding:
At first five-year funding with up to EUR 1 million per professorship (extension for three more years possible)

Funding has been completed

For further information visit the website of the ▶ Research Office (FOR).

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