Your Contact Persons

If you have questions and wishes, contact us. We are glad to help and look forward to talking to you.

Staff members of KHYS
Name Title Activity Phone E-Mail
M.A. Web portal Docata +49 721 608-46201 diotima bogner does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. Application Advice for Doctoral Programs, KHYS Further Education Program +49 721 608-46202 nadine civilotti does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. Quality Management in the Doctoral Research Phase, IT Support +49 721 608-46210 michael craanen does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. KHYS Further Education Program +49 721 608-47042 claire earnshaw does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. Application Advice for Clusters, Support of structured PhD Program Initiatives (GRK, GRS, etc.), Quality Assurance, KHYS Further Education Program +49 721 608 46186 stefan goetze does-not-exist.kit edu
M.Sc. Graduate Funding from the German States +49 721 608-41922 andreas hahmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. Support of doctoral programs during the term, networking of doctoral programs at KIT +49 721 608 45743 theresa jautzus does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. KHYS Postdoc Office, Funding Programs +49 721 608-46201 denisa kicmerova does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. International funding programs, advisory services +49 721 608-46209 jutta klein-hitpass does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. on Parental Leave +49 721 608 47042 lisa leander does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. Events, KHYS-Foyergespräche, KIT Doctoral Days, KHYS Research Travel Grant +49 721 608-46941 eva lichtenberger does-not-exist.kit edu
Dipl-Betriebsw. (FH) Advisory services, KHYS infomail, doctoral awards +49 721 608-45744 nadja mazko does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. Web portal Docata +49 721 608-46224 simone naumann does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. Inquiries, advisory services, Coordinator KHYS Postdoc Office, Career advice for postdocs +49 721 608-45293 postdoc does-not-exist.khys kit edu
M.A. KHYS Further Education Program +49 721 608-46212 viola schroff2 does-not-exist.kit edu
YIN Office
Name Title Activity Phone E-Mail
Dr. Office +49 721 608-46184 karolina duthie does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. Administrative and organizational assistance of Young Investigator Network (YIN) +49 721 608-46184 geschaeftsstelle does-not-exist.yin kit edu
Dr. Administrative and organizational assistance of Young Investigator Network (YIN) +49 721 608-46213 gunnar seemann does-not-exist.kit edu