KIT PhD Days 2015

As a result of the strong interest in the first PhD days (2014) and the high number of participants, the second KIT PhD days took place on September 29 to October 2, 2015. According to the theme INFORMATION — ORIENTATION — NETWORKING, various presentations and workshops on different topics were held. About 300 doctoral researchers at KIT and those interested in doing a PhD took the opportunity to get an overview of the diverse aspects of a doctorate or to get a deeper insight into topics like financing, publishing or career management.
In the framework of the ceremonial opening for instance, a panel discussion on the topic “Publish or perish” took place, which was organized by members of the board of the doctoral conventions. The discussion was focused on the importance of publishing during the PhD period.
Extended offer for English-speaking participants and for students interested in doing a PhD at KIT
At the second KIT PhD Days three out of four presentations were held in English. In special networking formats like the International Experience Lab, both German doctoral researchers and doctoral researchers from abroad met and exchanged views on their intercultural experiences. In the workshop “Promotion – ja oder nein?” (Doing a PhD – yes or no?) students interested in doing a PhD were provided with information about the specific requirements and conditions of a PhD at KIT.
As a result of the positive feedback, the next PhD days are already at a planning stage.
Dr. Britta Trautwein (Vortrag am 30.09.):
Dr. Stefan Götze (Vortrag am 30.09.)
Jutta Klein-Hitpaß (Vortrag am 30.09.)
▶ "How to find initial financing for the PhD period" (PDF)
Jutta Klein-Hitpaß (Vortrag am 30.09.)
▶ "Options for additional funding during the phd period" (PDF)
Maike Abel & Karin Simianer (Vortrag am 30.09.)
▶ "Publishing at KIT: KIT Library Services for PhD students" (PDF)
Heinz Kalt (Vortrag am 30.09.)
▶ "Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis" (PDF)