KIT PhD Days 2017



From Tuesday, March 14, to Friday, March 17, 2017, KIT has hold its third KIT PhD Days and therefore cordially has invited all doctoral researchers at KIT as well as all students interested in doing a PhD to attend this event. According to the theme INFORMATION — ORIENTATION — NETWORKING, the KIT PhD Days have offered a large number of presentations and workshops — partly held in English — about the various aspects of doing a PhD at KIT.

The KIT PhD Days have been officially opened on Tuesday afternoon with a panel discussion on ▶ Karriere in der Industrie nach der Promotion.

On Wednesday number of presentations on topics important for doing a PhD and about the manifold services were offered by KIT to support your research. You have also been able to informally meet and chat with colleagues from other departments at the Young Scientists´ Café throughout the day.

The ▶ Welcome event for doctoral researchers on Wednesday evening gave you plenty of information on how to best profit from the doctoral research period at KIT. In addition, two more advanced fellow researchers have shared their experiences with you concerning doing the PhD at KIT and answered the visitor's questions e.g. during the subsequent get-together.


▶ Agenda of the KIT PhD Days 2017


We would like to also use this opportunity to thank our collaborators for their contributions to and support for organizing the third KIT PhD Days.