Application Academic Year 2023/24

The call for the 17th KIT Doctoral Award is addressed to doctoral graduates of the academic year 2023/24. Decisive is the date of the thesis defense (October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024). The doctorate has to have been rated with “summa cum laude”. Applicants can submit their own applications or be nominated by supervisors or reviewers.

Required Documents
  1. ▶ Assessment form completed by main supervisor (Word template)
  2. Curriculum vitae, including information on the duration of the candidates’ studies and doctoral research, awards, stays abroad, social commitment, patents and conference contributions. Conference contributions are to be divided into presentations/talks, poster and publications in the conference proceedings.
  3. List of publications (please divide your list in publications before the start of your doctorate, during your doctorate and after the completion of your doctorate and indicate whether the publications have been peer-reviewed; please pay attention to the categories listed in the Excel sheet table which has to be submitted additionally)
  4. Copy of the doctoral certificates and the doctoral diploma
  5. Copies of other certificates (Bachelor/Vordiplom certificate, Master/Diplom/Magister certificate)

Please submit documents 1-5 (or 2-5 if the nomination form is handed in separately) in the order mentioned in one PDF file, named Family name, first name_Application KIT Doctoral Award 2023-24.

The assessment form can also be handed in separately.

Additionally and separately to be submitted:

  1. completed ▶ Excel sheet with information matching the CV and publication list. This document serves as an overview and will also be made available to the selection committee.
    • named Family name, first name_Submission_KIT Doctoral Award 2023-24
  2. Dissertation
    • ideally as a download link
  3. completed and signed ▶ checklist
    • named Family name, first name_Checklist_KIT Doctoral Award 2023-24

Summarized: A total of three documents and a download link must be submitted by Monday, September 30, 2024. Please send them by ▶ e-mail to Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS).

Final Information on Applying
  • The Excel sheet and the checklist must be submitted in English. All other documents can also be submitted in German. In principle, English is the preferred language, as the selection commission communicates mainly in English.
  • Supervisors can only nominate one applicant.
  • Only complete applications submitted on time will be considered for selection.

Your contact person at KHYS is ▶ Nadja Mazko.

Please ensure that you also read the ▶ FAQ and the ▶ Information on Data Protection according to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Prize Money

KHYS received condolence donations on the occasion of the death of Prof. Dr. Robert Stieglitz (Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology) for the purpose of promoting young scientists. Since Prof. Stieglitz was very committed to supporting young scientists, the donations will be used to increase the prize money. In total, the prize money will increase to 5,050 Euro this year.

Please note that the prize money may be subject to income tax and social security contributions.

Selection and Award Ceremony

The award winners are selected by the ▶ Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS). The final decision is made by the Executive Board of KIT. The prizes will be awarded during the President's Evening of Honor.

We look forward to receiving numerous exciting applications and nominations!