The job and career portal for science (website only in German). Sorted by career stages, you will find extensive information and advice on the topics of career entry and career planning - also on ▶ alternative career paths. There you will find, for example, a self-test on the question ▶ Are you the type for a doctorate?
The Foundation of the German State of Baden-Württemberg is one of the main operative foundations in Germany that promotes excellent research in the State and starts up its own new programs, for example in the field of science and research. [▶ more]
Bundesagentur für Arbeit - Hochschulteam (Federal Employment Agency – University Team)
The "university team" of the Federal Employment Agency provides you useful offers on the topics of applications and career advancement. Together with KHYS, e.g. professional checks of applications are carried out as part of the KIT training program "▶ Doctoral & Careers Advice". [▶ more]
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE)
The Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurially managed platform for KIT students, researchers and alumni that are interested in establishing their own business. The Centre provides junior entrepreneurs with advice concerning their ideas, assistance with the development of their business concepts and help in the search for co-founders, as well as introducing them to investors and business angels. [▶ more]
Competence Pool: Living forum for the networking of ideas at KIT
"If KIT knew what KIT knows"... this is the motto behind the idea of the competence pool, the aim of which is to identify and make KIT's expertise accessible. All doctoral researchers and postdocs of KIT can present their individual professional profile in this competence network and engage in mutual exchange. [▶ more]
Corruption prevention
The KIT compliance team is responsible for all issues concerning corruption prevention and related topics. [▶ more]
Division for Research Funding
The Division for Research Funding (Forschungsförderung – FOR) is the central institution at the KIT for raising funds from third parties and establishing cooperations.
The Division for Research Funding informs KIT researchers about funding opportunities and provides them with advice concerning the preparation and submission of applications. It also helps the Board and committees with issues related to research strategy, as well as supporting the new KIT research structures and promoting the establishment of internal and external research cooperations. [▶ more]
Doctoral Researchers' Forum
If you are working on a doctoral thesis or dissertation or are planning to conduct doctoral research, the website of the Doctoral Researchers' Forum (Doktorandenforum) can answer (almost) all of your questions regarding your doctoral work, as well as providing an interactive discussion forum for sharing general questions and the highs and lows of life as a doctoral researcher. [▶ more]
Doctoral Researchers' Network
The Doctoral Researchers' Network (Doktoranden Netz) is the first networking online community created for and by doctoral researchers. It aims to provide fast and pragmatic support for all issues in and around the world of doctoral studies. [▶ more]
Entrepreneurship at the KIT
The Network of Entrepreneurs (Gründernetzwerk) is the central information portal and your first port of call at the KIT for all questions regarding entrepreneurship and company start-ups. [▶ more]
Equal Opportunities
The KIT supports equal opportunities and measures aiming to support women in their careers. It actively concedes equal opportunities in all areas of responsibility and on all decision-making levels. You can find the most important ▶ Programs for Women on the KHYS website. For further information and details concerning current programs for junior researchers, please visit the website of the Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities and Academic Institutions in Baden-Württemberg (▶ LaKoG). [▶ more]
Eucor - binational doctorate
Founded in 1989, the European Confederation of the Upper Rhine Universities is a German-French-Swiss meta-network. The Eucor partner universities have, among other things, agreed on a joint declaration on cooperation in the field of doctoral training in order to sustainably increase the attractiveness of the Eucor area and its universities. [▶ more]
EURAXESS Germany - the National Coordination Office at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) is an information and advisory center for internationally mobile researchers who wish to go to Germany for a scientific activity or go to another country. It is part of a network of EURAXESS service centers across Europe. The aim of these centers is to facilitate the international mobility of scientists. [▶ more]
FemConsult is an online database of postdoctoral female researchers and female researchers who have completed ’Habilitation’. The database is run by the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) and enables users to quickly and easily find and contact female researchers for current enquiries or availabilities. [▶ more]
Find your Pension
The development of the portal is a part of the VBL project 'Partnership for researchers'. The aim is to remove obstacles to the mobility of researchers employed in the public sector with regard to their pensions. The core issue is to improve information services for the target group of mobile scientists. [▶ more]
General Studies. Forum Science and Society (FORUM)
FORUM organizes series of lectures, panel discussions, symposia and international congresses. [▶ more]
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.) is a joint institution of the German universities and German Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) that promotes the international network of German universities and German Universities of Applied Sciences by arranging exchanges between students and researchers and organizing international programs and projects. The DAAD offers a variety of funding options and provides advice regarding other funding institutions. [▶ more]
German Association of University Professors and Lecturers
The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband) represents research professionals whilst also providing a comprehensive range of information and services for university lecturers and junior researchers. [▶ more]
German Language Courses for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers from Abroad
The Studienkolleg Karlsruhe offers a variety of German-language courses that are also open for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. [▶ more]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
The German Research Foundation is the central funding organization for research in Germany and promotes scientific excellence through competition, provides committees and public authorities with advice on scientific issues, gives impulses for international scientific cooperations and aims to promote junior researchers. [▶ more]
GermanTechJobs is an IT job portal that focuses on transparency. Each ad includes salary ranges, technologies and all important information to find a new challenge easily. [▶ more]
Guidelines on responsible and sustainable research data management at KIT (FDM policy), german only
In order to regulate the handling of research data at KIT, so that researchers can work with data efficiently, uncomplicatedly and with legal certainty, "Guidelines on responsible and sustainable research data management (Leitlinien zu einem verantwortungsvollen und nachhaltigen Forschungsdatenmanagement)" were adopted on October 17, 2016. [▶ more]
Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy
The Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA) offers extensive training in Information and Data Science to doctoral researchers and postdocs. HIDA offers ideal conditions for data scientists from all research areas. As a central forum and innovation hub, HIDA facilitates the interdisciplinary exchange of Data Science expertise between all of the Helmholtz Centers and research fields. [▶ more]
Helmholtz PhD guidelines
The Helmholtz Centres’ common PhD guidelines facilitate quality assurance and provide guidance to PhD students and supervisors. [▶ more]
The blog presents the exciting and diverse faces of the Helmholtz Association, presents experts and topics from the broad field of talent promotion and career development in science and provides insights into what is done day-to-day in the Helmholtz Association to make it not only an outstanding scientific institution, but also an inspiring workplace for all employees. [more]
House of Competence (HoC)
The HoC is the central institution for competence development and further education at the KIT and connects various institutions that deal with this matter. In cooperation with the HoC Office, the KHYS predominantly offers support for your ▶ application process. [▶ more]
How to: Pursue a doctorate as a woman - financing, promotion, financial aid
Within the framework of a joint project, female students and graduates of the communication science course of studies at the University of Jena have created this companion on the information platform on the topic of financing doctoral/ dissertation for women. [▶ more]
Innovation and Relation Management (IRM)
The service unit Innovation and Relation Management (IRM) is the result of a merger of two service units of KIT: Relationship Management (RSM) and Innovation Management (IMA). IMA is the service partner for the commercial exploitation of research results at KIT, and provides advice for science and industry and supports the innovation process with regards to intellectual property. RSM is the contact point for alumni work, career services, sponsorship, foundations & prizes as well as fundraising and gives new impulses for the further development of KIT. [▶ more]
International Office
If you are an international student or researcher at the KIT Campus South or you come from outside of Germany and are interested in or planning on coming to study or work at the KIT Campus South, the International Office is your main port of call. [▶ more]
Jobtensor is a team of young academics specialized in job vacancies, internships, bachelor / master / doctorate positions for scientists, computer scientists and engineers. The job market offers more than 10.000 selected jobs for graduates and applicants with professional experience. [▶ more]
Jobvector is a job board for natural scientists, physicians and engineers. In addition, jobvector regularly organizes a career fair (jobvector career day). The lecture program of the jobvector career day provides the graduates information about job opportunities and career paths. [▶ more]
The project is an internet portal that provides information and newsletters especially designed for junior researchers. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – BMBF). [▶ more]
Leadership Talent Academy at KIT
The new Leadership Talent Academy offers master’s and doctoral students the opportunity to support them on their way to becoming a manager within the framework of value-oriented personality and career development. [▶ more]
Language Center
The KIT Language Center (Sprachenzentrum – SpZ) offers language courses at a wide variety of levels and in 14 different languages for all students and staff. The SpZ offers you a diverse range of opportunities to learn new languages or to further develop previously acquired language skills. [▶ more]
Online guide to a PhD in Germany
The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have jointly published a flyer that contains many useful links to websites that contain information on doing a PhD in Germany. The flyer provides links to various online portals that help search for general information, funding opportunities, and international PhD programs. In addition you can find out which institutes could be of interest to you. The flyer is available in German and English. [▶ more]
OpenD - Online magazine on the subject of dissertations
Whether in the topic search, in the middle or after a disputation: the magazine is designed to help you keep track of things in every phase of your promotion. [▶ more]
The open4research database – presented by the KIT Research Office (FOR) – provides KIT researchers at all academic levels easy access to research funding opportunities. It allows to browse the content by research discipline or search for subject specific calls. Users can stay up to date by subscribing for personalized email notifications. [▶ more]
Personalentwicklung und Berufsausbildung (PEBA)
The Staff Development Institute – kww (Personalentwicklung – kww) develops concepts for and organizes ▶ further education opportunities for KIT staff and students. In cooperation with the KHYS, it continuously expands and develops the further education opportunities available to junior researchers. The KHYS covers most of the seminar fees for members of the KHYS Network. [▶ more]
Relationship Management - KIT Alumni
The KIT Alumni is the network of graduates that have completed research at the former Research Center Karlsruhe (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe), studied or lectured at the Fridericiana or studied or worked at the KIT. The network was established in 1996 as "AlumniKaTH" and now contains around 17,000 members. To join this network, please visit its webpage. [▶ more]
Relationship Management - KIT CareerService
The KIT CareerService acts as a mediator between students and the world of business. We support students with their successful entry into their professional careers. [▶ more]
Research in Germany: The German doctorate - Info for doctoral candidates
This Info outlines the different paths to a doctorate, provides practical advice and presents background information in a concise and understandable way. [▶ more]
Science & Management for doctoral researchers – Doctorate & MBA: 44 months, 2 degrees
Science and Management is a program that enables scientists to complete their doctorate and our MBA at the same time. For years, the Collège des Ingénieurs has been cooperating with prestigious institutions in France, Germany and Switzerland. The Ph.D. candidates benefit from pursuing their research and venturing into the business world at the same time. [▶ more]
Science Online
The Science Online (wissenschaft-online) portal run by the publisher Spektrum der Wissenschaft offers all individuals interested in science a topical overview of publications from a wide variety of sources. [▶ more]
Strategic Corporate Development and Communications
The Strategic Corporate Development and Communications (Strategische Entwicklung und Kommunikation, SEK) of the KIT is responsible for internal and external communication and for presenting the corporate identity of the KIT to the general public. Alongside the production of press releases on topical subjects from the fields of research, education and innovation, the main activities carried out by the Department include organizing various events such as open days and the KIT Children’s University and participating in German and international trade fairs and exhibitions. [▶ more]
Studyportals is the global study choice platform. It should make the international higher education marketing easier and more effective. You will find here a lot of scholarships and grants to finance your study or your research. [▶ more]
THESIS is an interdisciplinary network throughout Germany for junior researchers and all those who have dared to delve into the adventure of doctoral research. The network supports doctoral researchers in all subject areas during their doctoral research period. [▶ more]
Wissenschaftlerinnen im KIT (WiKIT) (Female scientists at KIT)
An open network of female scientists and engineers working in research or administration at KIT. The network consists of women with different scientific backgrounds and diverse careers in various positions – from the doctoral researchers to Head of Department. [▶ more]
ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion
Der ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist der Begleiter für (angehende) Promovierende auf allen Stationen der Promotion: von der Entscheidung über die Planung und Durchführung der Arbeit bis zu den letzten Nachtschichten vor der Abgabe. [▶ more]