Schedule of Events
Intellectual Property in the Research Context [E-LEARNING]
You can access the e-learning from October 4, 2023 until December 14, 2023. This e-learning course will no longer be available in 2024!
Research and scholarship are creative processes: researchers discover new ways to cure disease, design computers or improve social conditions; scholars develop new insights into art, literature and philosophy; artists and musicians create innovative works. But how to protect, develop or trade the intangible creations of one's mind? Intellectual property (IP) is a legal concept that enables inventions, designs, software, etc. to be treated as 'property' and this course is a short introduction to intellectual property rights. In particular, the course will explore:
- Why knowledge of IP is increasingly important for university researchers
- Attitudes to IP in the research context
- The main different intellectual property rights (IPRs), and the areas of invention, innovation and creativity to which they relate
- How the rights operate
- The importance of confidentiality
- Ownership in the research context
- How you can be better prepared to seek further advice from IP experts when you need it.
Throughout the course there will be opportunities to reflect on your own research and how the course content relates to it.
Duration of this course: 150 min
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
For its members, KHYS covers the costs that incur for holding this event.
Dr. Claire Earnshaw
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-47042
Fax: +49 721 608-46222
Mail: weiterbildung ∂ khys kit edu