Schedule of Events
Busting Jargon. Tactics for Comprehensible Communication in Science (two-day) [ONLINE WORKSHOP]
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on September 29 and October 6, 2025.
As a scientist, you regularly communicate your expertise to various audiences – not only to people from within your scientific community but also to collaborators from different fields, grant bodies, students, the general public. When writing for or speaking to others, however, you must overcome multiple obstacles for your message to be understood, such as peoples’ short attention span, differences in prior knowledge and ignorance about your technical language. If you do not design your communication with these barriers in mind, your ideas are unlikely to reach your intended audience.
To enable scientists sharing their knowledge with their diverse audiences, this workshop will introduce some versatile strategies for comprehensible communication. Learn, for example, how your topics can be portrayed so that they capture the attention of experts and non-experts alike and how you can effortlessly convey the meaning of discipline-specific concepts. As a result, your papers, posters and presentations will be readily understood.
We will also explore how recently introduced AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGTP can support you in designing comprehensible communication.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on September 29 and October 6, 2025.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!
For its members, KHYS covers the costs that incur for holding this event.
Dr. Stefan Götze
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Dr. Claire Earnshaw
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-47042
Fax: +49 721 608-46222
Mail: weiterbildung ∂does-not-exist.khys kit edu