Schedule of Events

Wednesday, 19 March 2025
9:00 - 17:00 
Getting Started. Managing Your Dissertation Project Successfully (two-day) [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 10.81, Theodor-Rehbock-Seminarraum (HS59)
Dr. Daniel Friedrich, Impulsplus

The event will be held in English and run for two days, on March 19, 2025, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and March 20, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.
Writing a doctoral thesis is very challenging. But if you take a smart approach early on, you are likely to reach your objectives faster and achieve superior results. This workshop focuses on the critical elements for a successful doctoral journey: Which mindsets, tools, and processes make a real difference on the way to a PhD? We concentrate on three areas: The efficient organization of tasks and notes, the productive communication with supervisors and the research community, and the structured reading and writing of academic papers. In each area, we will reflect on effective mindsets, tools, and workflows. The goal is for each participant to take away at least three specific ideas on how to substantially improve their own approach.
Major topics:
-          Project management
-          Efficient time management and self-motivation
-          Managing the relationship to your supervisor
-          Tools and strategies for effective literature research & note-taking
If you need guidance beyond the workshop on personal challenges or conflict situations, you can contact the following advisory offices:
Please note: In addition to this workshop, KHYS offers other project management courses with different focal points, which may overlap in terms of content:    

- Project Management for Research Projects
- Project Management in Industry
- Agile Project Management
             -Basics of Project Management
Eligibility: This event is only open to doctoral researchers at KIT who are KHYS members.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on March 19, 2025, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and March 20, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Tuesday, 25 March 2025
9:00 - 17:00 
How to Be More Employable in Industry (two-day) [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146 (1st floor) …
Dr. David M. Giltner, TurningScience

The event will be held in English and run for two days, on March 25 and 26, 2025.
Would you like to know how to be more employable in Industry? Most of us who complete a PhD in a science discipline will end up working outside of academia. But what is working in the private sector is really like? How do you find these jobs?
Do you feel confident that you can impress an industry hiring manager when you describe the very specialized research project you just spent years pursuing? And what kinds of jobs can a scientist get in a company anyway?
This interactive 2-day workshop helps you with these questions and many more about the exciting world that awaits scientists in the private sector!
The course will enable participants to:
Understand the rules for productivity and habits for success in industry. Design their own rewarding career path in the private sector. Describe many private sector career options that fit scientists well and why. Use the most effective methods for getting a good industry job. Have a better understanding of the online job search process Answer some of the most challenging interview questions they may encounter. Describe their research project in a way that will sound engaging to an industry manager who knows little about their research area. Figure out whether an industry career is a good option for them  
The course is highly interactive, mostly based on lectures, discussions and interactive exercises.
More information about the workshop you can find here:  
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members. If you are currently not yet a member of KHYS, you can register here.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on March 25 and 26, 2025.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Monday, 31 March 2025
Getting Published [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from January 17, 2025 until March 31, 2025.
The course advises young scientists on how to publish the hard-won results of their research and to plan an appropriate publication strategy for their early academic career. The course will begin by exploring why researchers in the sciences should publish their results. It will then guide participants through the processes involved in getting an article or paper published in an academic journal, including:
Reasons for publishing your work and some of the key factors you need to consider when getting started
Navigating the pre-submission stage, from planning your time to preparing supplementary material, information and metadata
The importance of review for quality control and the requirements of the review process
Relevant resources, platforms and social media that can help ensure you publish in an impactful way
Duration of this course: 150 min
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members. 

Conferences, Presenting and Networking. Communicating Your Research with Impact [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from January 17, 2025 until March 31, 2025.
This course will help you to explore how you can communicate your work to a range of audiences using digital tools and innovative communication methods. It will also encourage you to reflect on how you can build networks and connect with your professional community. This course helps you to:   Communicating the importance of your work to a potential funder or industry partner Identify the networks that are meaningful to you Develop strategies that can help you to build your networks and connect with a professional community Explain how digital communication and social media might provide networking opportunities and how to make the most of in-person event Evaluate how innovative approaches can contribute to your research communication strategy  
Throughout the course, in-depth interviews with current doctoral researchers and experienced academics will provide you with tips and advice on various aspects of attending, presenting at and organising seminars, symposia and conferences.
Duration of this course: 120 min
The indicated course duration refers to the pure review of the learning content. Please plan additional time for working on exercises and transfer tasks.
This e-learning course is being offered in a self-learning format. You therefore have the option to begin at any time convenient to you and work through it at your own pace.
Please note
You can register below, we will then check your application. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the login details as well as further information on the course in a separate e-mail approximately two to three weeks after your registration. You will be able to access the e-learning on an online training platform of KIT.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.

Basics of Science Communication [E-LEARNING]

You can access the e-learning from January 17, 2025 until March 31, 2025.
On many occasions, young scientists communicate about their work, project or institution with the public or the media. This basic course of the National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik) gives participants an overview of communicating with target groups outside of academia and teaches first practical basics. The focus is on topics such as dimensions of science communication, the interaction of communicators and target groups, or dealing with the media.
Learning Goals
Knowledge of the functions of external science communication Reflection of players, their roles and interactions Building and consolidating core competencies  
Dimensions of good science communication Science and the media Players and their roles Basic rules for comprehensibility Trust in science Guidelines and potential pitfalls  
The e-learning course contains videos and animations, texts, audio and screencasts. Participants apply what they have learned in exercises, quizzes, and knowledge tests, and they can also deepen their knowledge through links to internal and external content. The course is provided in English or German, participants can choose the laguage after registration.
Please notice: You can register below, we will then check your registration. The use of this e-learning offer requires an additional registration on the provider's website. If you are a KHYS member, you will receive the registration link from us in a separate mail, probably two to three weeks after your registration.
This workshop is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.

Wednesday, 02 April 2025
9:00 - 16:00 
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Schwerpunkt Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften) (zweitägig) [PRÄSENZ WORKSHOP]
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1.OG)
Dr.-Ing. Hartwig Junge, schö

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch und an zwei Tagen statt, am 2. und 3. April 2025.
Ziel der Workshops ist es, den Teilnehmenden Hinweise und Anregung für ihr wissenschaftliches Schreibprojekt (z. B. die Dissertation) zu geben. Dafür werden die Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens bewusst gemacht und Tipps und Hinweise gegeben, um den Schreibprozess zu unterstützen und zu beschleunigen. Der fachliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften, insbesondere bei Umgang und Auswahl von Texten, Quellen, Literatur etc.
Die Inhalte der Workshops richten sich auch nach den Bedürfnissen und Wünschen der Teilnehmenden, die hierzu im Vorfeld durch das KHYS sowie in einer kurzen Vorstellungsrunde befragt werden. Folgende Themen sind vorgesehen:
Zielklärung für eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit Aufgabenstellung/Exposee - Inhalte eines wissenschaftlichen Textes Struktur und Aufbau eines wissenschaftlichen Textes Normen/Anforderungen an wissenschaftliche Texte Recherche und Dokumentation von Literatur Umgang mit dem fremden Text (incl. zitieren und paraphrasieren) Erarbeitung einer Rohfassung Text-Bild-Bezüge Umgang mit Schreibblockaden Feedback auf Textproben geben und nehmen Arbeitsschritte der Textproduktion Zeitplanung  
Lehrmethoden im Workshop sind Lehrvortrag und Lehrgespräch, Demonstration von Beispielen, Schreibübungen, Präsentationen und Feedback auf Übungsergebnisse. Darüber hinaus finden Reflexionen zur Umsetzung in die eigene Praxis statt. Die Teilnehmenden können Arbeitsproben (Gliederungsentwurf, kurze Textentwürfe) einbringen und zur Diskussion stellen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Promovierende und Postdocs am KIT (Mitglieder des KHYS).
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch und an zwei Tagen statt, am 2. und 3. April 2025.
Bitte melden Sie sich frühzeitig per E-Mail ab, wenn Sie nicht an einer Veranstaltung teilnehmen können. Damit können Personen von der Warteliste nachrücken und Sie helfen uns, die Qualität des Weiterbildungsprogramms aufrecht zu erhalten. Vielen Dank!
